Past Times
Poul Anderson
Tor Books (1987)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780812530810
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Cover Price $3.50
No. of Pages 288
Original Publication Year 1984
Personal Details
Read It Yes (8/28/2011)
Purchase Price $1.50
Owner John
Links Amazon
Past Times (1984) 288 pages by Poul Anderson.

Seven short stories with [primarily] a time travel theme.

"Eutopia" (1967) had an alternate time line story, we find out at the end of the story what faux pas Iason committed to end up being chased.

"Flight to Forever" (1950) starts with the first 100 year leap to the future to find out why the automatic drones did not return. There had been no trouble going twenty years ahead and coming back. Turns out that 70 years back is as far as you can get. So Martin Saunders tries a different tactic, going ahead to see if future generations have an answer. He stops at many different time periods, some for moments, others for longer.

"The Nest" (1953) A time traveler from the future had his time vehicle stolen by Hugo, who then went through time raiding places, gaining followers and slaves, hiding in the distant past. The story is told by Trebuen, which starts with what looks like a chivalrous act, but turns out to get him into deep trouble.

"Wildcat" (1958) All the action takes place in 100 million B.C. but in the present the world is locked in a cold war.

"Welcome" (1960). "The Little Monster" (1974). "The Light" (1957).

Even a $1.50, I would have passed on this book, had I took the time to open it and see it was short stories. The stories were OK, but I have hundreds of unread Analog, F&SF, and other magazines piling up. The essay was a clunker, but the seven stories were good, all by Anderson, and were loosely themed together.

Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
Wildcat Poul Anderson
Welcome Poul Anderson
The Nest Poul Anderson
Eutopia Poul Anderson
The Little Monster Poul Anderson
The Light Poul Anderson
The Discovery Of The Past Poul Anderson
Flight To Forever Poul Anderson