The Winter Of The World
Poul Anderson
Tor Books (1995)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780812523119
Thousands of years from now, after a new Ice Age has reduced our world to frozen ruins, new civilizations and cultures arise from the Ice. But as the people of tomorrow slowly uncover the lost technology of the past, they also rediscover war, conquest, diplomacy...and betrayal.

While the might Rahidain-Barammian Empire expands across the globe, Josserek Derrain, uncover agent for the freedom-loving Seafolk, must find a way to save his people from the Empire's grasp. His best hope is an alliance with the Rogaviki, a wild and nomadic race whose women are rumored to cast an unbreakable spell on any man who dares seek them out.

Between barbarians and aristocrats, spied and soldiers, the battle lines are drawn in the ultimate conflict to determine who will rule over...The Winter of the World.

Product Details
Cover Price $4.99
No. of Pages 190
Height x Width 6.5 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 1976
Personal Details
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Store Wooden Spoon
Purchase Price $1.00
Purchase Date 9/9/2001
Owner John
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