Night Mare
Piers Anthony
Del Rey (1983)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780345304568
Although the Nextwave of barbarian warriors was invading Xanth, Mare Imbrium discovered that ever since she had gained the half soul, the night mare had begun to mishandle her job of delivering bad dreams. Exiled to the day world with a message for King Trent, Mare met the relentless, unforgiving Horseman. For the night mare, it began to be all a horrible nightmare!
Product Details
Series Xanth
Volume 6
Cover Price $2.95
No. of Pages 307
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1983
Personal Details
Read It No
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $2.50
Purchase Date 8/5/2001
Owner John
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