The Horse And His Boy
C. S. Lewis
Prentice Hall & IBD (1970)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 0020442009
Narnia . . . where some horses talk . . . where treachery is brewing . . . where destiny awaits. On a desperate journey, two runaways meet and join forces. Though they are only looking to escape their harsh and narrow lives, they soon find themselves at the center of a terrible battle. It is a battle that will decide their fate and the fate of Narnia itself.
Product Details
Series Narnia
Volume 5
Cover Price $3.95
No. of Pages 217
Height x Width 6.8 x 4.1  inch
Original Publication Year 1954
Personal Details
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Store David's Books
Purchase Price $1.75
Purchase Date 2/2/2008
Owner John
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