Times Without Number
John Brunner
In Collection
Science Fiction
Product Details
No. of Pages 158
Original Publication Year 1969
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/21/2008)
Store Wooden Spoon
Owner John
To get my engineering degree some humanities credits were requires. When it came time to register for classes in my sophomore year of college I looked through the catalog and saw a science fiction course. I signed up. The reading list included The Road to Science Fiction #2 edited by James Gunn, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The Dispossessed by Leguin, A Case of Conscience by Blish, Childhood's End by Clarke and The Sheep Look Up by John Brunner. I still haven't read the last two, but I enjoyed the others enough that I have tried out all of the authors after I learned how to read [for fun].

Maybe I was a little disappointed that The Gate of Time didn't involve time travel, whatever it was I picked up Times without Number. It is split into three stories. In the first story Don Miguel is a lower level member in the Society of Time, the people authorized to go back in time and study history. While in his own time he runs across a brand new Aztec mask, and knows that it has been brought out of time illegally. He gets put on the case as sort of a detective, ends up solving it, and putting the mask back in it's place minutes after it was originally stolen.

The second story considers a bigger breach, and again Don Miguel is instrumental in putting things back to order.

The third story starts with Don Miguel trying to get a vacation to California after dealing with these previous two situations. He is confronted by some of the locals who have mines that are running out of ore before they should. They discover someone had harvested the precious metals from that area in the past.

It was a fun read. If you like time travel stories at all, this one is worth your time.