The Crystal City
Orson Scott Card
Tor Books (2004)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780812564624
Using the lore and the folk-magic of the men and women who settled North America, Orson Scott Card has created an alternate world where magic works, and where that magic has colored the entire history of the colonies. Charms and beseechings, hexes and potions, all have a place in the lives of the people of this world. Dowsers find water, the second sight warns of dangers to come, and a torch can read a person's future---or their heart.In this world where "knacks" abound, Alvin, the seventh son of a seventh son, is a very special man indeed. He's a Maker; he has the knack of understanding how things are put together, how to create them, repair them, keep them whole, or tear them down. He can heal hearts as well as bones, he build a house, he can calm the waters or blow up a storm. And he can teach his knack to others, to the measure of their own talent.Alvin has been trying to avert the terrible war that his wife, Peggy, a torch of extraordinary power, has seen down the life-lines of every American. Now she has sent him down the Mizzippy to the city of New Orleans, or Nueva Barcelona as they call it under Spanish occupation. Alvin doesn't know exactly why he's there, but when he and his brother-in-law, Arthur Stuart, find lodgings with a family of abolitionists who know Peggy, he suspects he'll find out soon. But Nueva Barcelona is about to experience a plague, and Alvin's efforts to protect his friends by keeping them healthy will create more danger than he could ever have suspected. And in saving the poor people of the city, Alvin will be put to the greatest test of his life---a test that will draw on all his power. For the time has come for him to turn to his old friend Tenskwa-Tawa, the Red Prophet who controls the lands to the west of the Mizzippy. Now Alvin must take the first steps on the road to the Crystal City that was shown to him in a vision so long ago.
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Tales of Alvin Maker
Volume 6
Cover Price $7.99
No. of Pages 352
Height x Width 6.7 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 2003
Personal Details
Read It Yes (1/23/2011)
Store Borders
Purchase Price $7.99
Purchase Date 1/14/2006
Owner John
Links Amazon
The Crystal City (2003) 340 pages by Orson Scott Card

This is the sixth book in the Alvin Maker series. I enjoyed the first five, Seventh Son, Red Prophet, Prentice Alvin, Alvin Journeyman and Heartfire, but then I had to wait a year before I picked up Crystal City and I never got around to reading it until this week. Having read the Homecoming series in between I can see a lot of similarities. Alvin Maker, Nafai, Ender Wiggin all seem to have the same moral characteristics, and a sibling rivalry for starters.

This series is set in the early to mid 1800's, in an alternate American frontier. It has to be alternate because of the powers that some individuals possess. Alvin being the seventh son of a seventh son has special abilities. Learning those abilities and surviving are plot lines in the first books.

This book starts with Alvin in New Orleans, or rather New Barcelona the Spanish having control of that city. He's not sure why he's there but events start happening that sort of dictate the direction of what he needs to do. The character of Arthur Stuart, Alvin's traveling companion and brother-in-law, has the most growth, but I think mostly this is a book on freedom, and trying to build towards a society without war, and where different groups can live in harmony with themselves and with nature.

I thought the first books in the series were great, this one just struck me as good. I'm thinking it's more because my tastes have changed than Card has suddenly lost talent. I think it is because I read the homecoming series between book 5 and 6 of Alvin Maker, and I saw so many similarities, that the book felt formulaic. That's not necessarily a bad thing. There is a lot of original stuff that is awful. So I'm giving it a 4 1/2 out of 5 instead of a straight up 5.