Frank Herbert
Ace Books (1987)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 0441223745

Journalist, ecologist, conservationist, and bestselling novelist FRANK HERBERT captured the imagination of entire generations. Novels like The Dosadi Experiment and The White Plague explored science's effect on society. The Green Brain and The Dragon in the Sea introduced Herbert's main theme: how societies and individuals respond to changing or threatening environments. In Dune, winner of both the Hugo and Nebula awards, Herbert expanded this theme to create a series that has fascinated more readers than any other contemporary work of the imagination. Among Herbert's other works were The Eyes of Heisenberg; Santaroga Barrier; Whipping Star; Project 40; Threshold; five additional novels in the Dune series, and two anthologies of short fiction.

Eye features the startlingly original collaboration "The Road to Dune," a walking tour of Arakeen narrated by Frank Herbert and illustrated by acclaimed British artist Jim Burns. Also included is an introduction by Herbert describing his personal feelings about the filming of David Lynch's movie version of Dune; Herbert's own favorite short story, "Seed Stock"; and tales from throughout his career, some never before collected.

Product Details
Cover Price $4.95
No. of Pages 328
Height x Width 7.0 x 4.3  inch
Original Publication Year 1985
Personal Details
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Store Astoria Books
Purchase Price $1.00
Purchase Date 3/11/2008
Owner John
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