The Humanoids
Jack Williamson
Avon Books (1980)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780380496273
Science Fiction: Robots, Artificial Intelligence. "From far beyond Earth came a generation of benevolent robots whose sole purpose was to serve man by ending wars and easing his bodily and spiritual ills. Dr. Clay Forester, brilliant scientist and citizen of the distant future, had been recruited by a band of dissidents to stop the fledgling 'brave new world.' But why should he try to kill humanity's only hope for everlasting peace?" Expanded edition includes an introduction by the author, the original novelette "With Folded Hands," and the afterword "Me and My Humanoids."
Product Details
Series Humanoids
Volume 2
No. of Pages 259
Original Publication Year 1949
Personal Details
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Owner John
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Title Author Start Page No. of Pages
With Folded Hands Jack Williamson
The Humanoids Jack Williamson