Raiders of Lost Ark
Campbell Black
Ballantine Books (1981)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Mass Market Paperback 9780345294906
Indiana Jones, archeology professor and swashbuckling adventurer, has unearthed many an ancient treasure. But now the very future of the world depends on his finding one special relic.

With a bullwhip in his hand and a beautiful lady at his side, Jones journeys from Nepal and Cairo to the Mediterranean, dodging poisons, traps and snakes, battling rivals old and new, all in pursuit of an ancient artifact said to give invincible power to its possessor.

It's a battle to a startling finish, a finish dictated by the magic, the light -- and the power -- of the Lost Ark.
Product Details
Cover Price $2.50
No. of Pages 181
Height x Width 6.8 x 3.8  inch
Original Publication Year 1981
Personal Details
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Store Charlie
Purchase Price $1.00
Purchase Date 6/20/1995
Owner John
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