Confessions Of A Crap Artist
Philip K. Dick
Vintage (1992)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 0679741143
Confessions of a Crap Artist is one of Philip K. Dick's weirdest and most accomplished novels. Jack Isidore is a crap artist -- a collector of crackpot ideas (among other things, he believes that the earth is hallow and that sunlight has weight) and worthless objects, a man so grossly unequipped for real life that his sister and brother-in-law feel compelled to rescue him from it. But seen through Jack's murderously innocent gaze, Charlie and Juddy Hume prove to be just as sealed off from reality, in thrall to obsessions that are slightly more acceptable than Jack's, but a great deal uglier.
Product Details
Cover Price $12.95
No. of Pages 256
Height x Width 7.8 x 5.2  inch
Original Publication Year 1975
Personal Details
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Store Birdsong Books
Purchase Date 4/13/2008
Owner John
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