Sorcerers of Majipoor
Robert Silverberg
Eos (1998)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780061057809
The Long-Awaited Prequel!

A thousand years before Lord Valentine, the destiny of kings is hostage to sorcery and deceit.

On the planet Majipoor, it is a time of great change. The aged Pontifex Prankipin, who brought sorcery (and prosperity) to the Fifty Cities of Castle Mount, is dying. The Coronal Lord Confalume, who will become replacement is chosen. It is no secret that the next Coronal will be prince Prestimion. By law and custom, the blood son of the present Coronal--has a secret quarry--the Starburst Crown. Visited by an oracle, Korsibar has heard a prophecy that will plunge the planet into a fearsome conflagration and alter destiny itself: "You will shake the world!"

Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Series Majipoor
Volume 5
Cover Price $6.99
No. of Pages 624
Height x Width 6.8 x 4.2  inch
Original Publication Year 1997
Personal Details
Read It Yes (8/4/2001)
Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $3.50
Purchase Date 3/9/2001
Owner John
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