Robert Silverberg
Bantam Books (1983)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780553235739
Duncan Chalk's six-hundred-pound frame is nearly as large as his media empire. Beneath the depths of his immense rolls of flab, the fabulously wealthy mogul wields the editorial power to deliver his programming across the solar system to billions of viewers. His newest real-life romance drama is between a starman who survived painful surgical experimentation while in alien captivity, and an emotionally scarred 17-year-old virgin. When the arranged relationship takes off on a whirlwind tour of the antarctic and out to the moons of Saturn, the viewers are swept up in the romance, but Chalk's true motives are revealed when the doomed relationship begins to unravel ... and Chalk can feed on the emotional anguish of the two lost souls. Nebula Award- Nominee, Hugo Award Nominee
Product Details
Dewey 813.54
Cover Price $2.75
No. of Pages 224
Original Publication Year 1967
Personal Details
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Store Wooden Spoon
Purchase Price $1.50
Purchase Date 9/9/2001
Owner John
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