The Masks of Time
Robert Silverberg
Ballantine Books (1968)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780345234469
Vornan-19 fell from the sky, naked, and landed on the Spanish steps in Rome on Christmas afternoon toward the end of the Millennium. And for Leo Garfield things would never be the same. For he is an acknowledged expert in the time reversal properties of sub-atomic particles...and Vornan-19 claims to come from far in the future. Whether or not he is telling the truth, a nervous and edgy world accepts the charming and magnetically charismatic Vornan as some kind of messiah. Even Garfield and his fellow scientists fall under Vornan's spell. But, has he really traveled across time--or is he just a charlatan and a fraud? A compassionate and powerful novel worthy of comparison to Stranger in a Strange Land.

Product Details
Cover Price $0.75
No. of Pages 252
Original Publication Year 1968
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Store Dawn Treader
Purchase Price $2.50
Owner John
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