Downbelow Station
C. J. Cherryh
DAW (1981)
In Collection
Science Fiction
Paperback 9780879975944
A legend among sci-fi readers, C.J. Cherryh's Union-Alliance novels, while separate and complete in themselves, are part of a much larger tapestry-a future history spanning 5,000 years of human civilization. Downbelow Station is the book that won Cherryh a Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1982. A blockbuster space opera of the rebellion between Earth and its far-flung colonies, it is a classic science fiction masterwork.
Product Details
LoC Classification CPB Box no. 2504 vol. 14
Cover Price $2.75
No. of Pages 432
Height x Width 7.1 x 5.0  inch
Original Publication Year 1981
Personal Details
Read It Yes (10/21/1982)
Store David's Books
Purchase Price $3.00
Purchase Date 5/26/2002
Owner John
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