Originally published in The Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, Volume 37, No. 2 (June 1998): 234-248. Digitally republished here with additional notations, May, 1999.
Here I wish to examine social control mechanisms in
the American Bahai community. These include mandatory
prepublication censorship of everything Baha'is publish
about their religion, administrative expulsion, blackballing,
shunning and threats of shunning. What are the ideological
bases of these control mechanisms? How is power attained
and managed in a lay community without a clergy? I
wish to stress here that this article is not concerned
with the essence or scriptures or theology of the religion,
but with the actualities of its day-to-day technologies
of control. Many of my remarks cannot be generalized
to other national communities, and concern mainly the
Anyone familiar with the public relations literature
produced by the movement will be surprised at the description
of control mechanisms given above, since Bahais are
often grouped in the media with Unitarian-Universalists.
Why should the Bahai authorities wish to project
an image more liberal than the reality? First, the
movements scriptures are liberal in their orientation,
and as a result even administratively conservative
Baha'i leaders support the U.N. and race unity, and
pay lip service to the rule of law. But when it comes
to the internal governance of the religion, the same
leaders wield these control mechanisms to enforce on
prominent believers what might be thought of as party
discipline in the Marxist sense. Second, Bahai leaders
are aware that if the U.S. press understood how their
administration actually operates, journalists might
be far less favorable to them than is now the case.
Third, the Baha'i leadership and intellectual class
includes some powerful liberals, and some of the contradictions
between self-presentation and policy derive from conflicts
among the leadership. Fourth, since the 1960s this
non-Christian Iranian religion has not attracted many
white evangelicals or working-class Catholics, whereas
more pluralist college-educated persons have been much
more open to it. Thus, an open insistence on a fundamentalist
orthodoxy and a clear condemnation of human rights
principles might deprive the religion of an important
recruiting ground. Although antiliberals have captured
the key posts, they shape the communitys ideology
subtly, by controlling media and silencing liberals
who begin to become prominent. Because of these techniques
of dissimulation, power can remain in the hands of
conservatives, while liberals can continue to be recruited
at the local level, and often remain unaware of how
marginalized they really are.
In the past, the paucity of anything but official literature
formed a difficulty in studying the approximately 60,000
adult American Bahais, but the emergence of Bahai
electronic mail forums in the 1990s has led to the
airing of Bahai individual opinions in public. I
will outline some key control mechanisms employed in
the U.S., based on published literature, following
email debates, and participant observation. The author
has been studying the Bahai religion for a quarter
of a century, and spent much of that time as an adherent.
This movement originated as a messianic offshoot of
Twelver Shi`ite Islam in nineteenth-century Iran.
By the time it came to the United States, in the 1890s,
it was already an established religion in Iran and
elsewhere in the Middle East (Smith 1987). It is now
among the more widely-spread religious bodies in the
world, and since the mid-1980s has officially claimed
about five million adherents (Smith and Momen 1989)--a
number that has remained stagnant since then and which
was probably somewhat exaggerated even at the time.
Let us begin with a brief historical overview.
Historical Background of the American
Bahai Community
The religion was founded in the Middle East in 1863
by the Iranian prophet Baha'u'llah (1817-1892), who
taught the unity of the world religions and the unity
of humankind from his place of exile in Palestine (Cole
1998). It came to the U.S. in the early 1890s,
and was nurtured by the religion's second leader, `Abdu'l-Baha
(d. 1921) (Stockman 1985-1995). From 1921 to 1957,
the world community was headed by Shoghi Effendi Rabbani,
Baha'u'llah's great-grandson, who died childless and
without a successor as "Guardian" or interpreter of
the religion. After a hiatus, the Universal House
of Justice, consisting of nine men, was elected by
the members of the National Spiritual Assemblies of
the world in Haifa, Israel, in 1963, in the wake of
a Bahai world congress held in London (Smith 1987).
This legislative body, which had been called for by
Baha'u'llah but was now elected for the first time,
quickly confirmed that no further Guardians could be
appointed (Universal House of Justice 1973:11). The
Universal House of Justice created a new appointive
institution, the Continental Boards of Counselors,
to carry out the functions of propagation and protectionthat
is, of encouraging proselytizing and imposing orthodoxy
(they are assisted by regional auxiliary board members
and their assistants). Some members of the Universal
House of Justice were drawn from the ranks of Americans
who had served on the U.S. National Spiritual Assembly,
and for a time vacancies on the UHJ tended to be filled
by former secretaries-general of the U.S. body. More
recently vacancies have been filled by counselors appointed
by the UHJ. The Universal House of Justice presided
over a vast expansion of Bahai numbers among peasants
in the global South, especially India (Smith and Momen
1989). Growth remained slight in Europe.
In 1963, the American Bahai community had about 10,000
adherents. Here, the religion felt the impact of the
civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, the youth counterculture,
and Watergate. The late 1960s and the 1970s were for
many Americans a period of profound disillusionment
with their social norms and government institutions
(Bellah 1976; Wuthnow 1976). This dissatisfaction
significantly raised the number of potential converts
to less well known religious bodies. Suddenly, the
Bahais' proselytizing ("teaching") efforts, which
had had only desultory results previously, reaped tens
of thousands of converts. "From 13,000 in 1969, the
U.S. Bahai community grew to 18,000 in 1970; to 31,000
in 1971; 40,000 in 1972; and 60,000 by 1974" (Stockman
1994:18). (Note, however, that Stockman is reporting
all the persons who ever registered as members without
formally withdrawing, whereas Bahai authorities soon
lost track of about half of them; these persons are
unlikely still to be Bahais.). There were relatively
few Bahai youth (ages 15-21) in the community in 1968,
but by the early 1970s there were some 19,000. The
influx of youth created frictions with the older Bahais.
Some large proportion of the converts from the youth
culture subsequently withdrew (cf. Caton in Hollinger
1992:264-271). Some of those who remained went on
to obtain higher degrees, giving the community for
the first time a significant number of intellectuals,
though these remained poorly integrated into the Bahai
milieu. The Bahai administration was to have increasing
problems with these intellectuals culture of critical
discourse (Gouldner, 1979) in subsequent years. By
1978, the Bahai administration claimed 77,396 members,
though it had confirmed addresses for only 48,357 of
these, and the number of youth had fallen to only
about 3,500 (National Spiritual Assembly of the U.S.
In the early 1970s, as a result of proselytizing by
young people, thousands of rural African-Americans
in South Carolina and northern Georgia adopted the
Bahai faith, attracted by its emphasis on the elimination
of prejudice, though most of these converts did not
give up their identification with their Christian churches
(Hardesty 1993). The members of the U.S. National
Spiritual Assembly (based in Wilmette, Ill.) had for
the most part become adults in the 1940s and 1950s
when the Bahais numbered only five thousand or so
and constituted a relatively closed club. They appear
to have worried that the previously-existing community
might be swamped by the newcomers. The rolls were
becoming cluttered with many declarations of faith
based on misunderstandings, and newcomers often had
no conception of the rules of Baha'i administration.
According to one eyewitness Firuz Kazemzadeh, a longstanding
member of the N.S.A. and then a professor of Russian
history at Yale, was worried that the community did
not have the resources, financial or human, to manage
a further influx of poor southern Blacks, and felt
that resources should be put into absorbing the thousands
that had already come in (personal communication, 16
May 1997). Other, less conservative N.S.A. members
strongly argued for allowing the chain conversion to
take its course, but these lost the debate. The N.S.A.
then deliberately halted the teaching campaign in the
South. This is corroborated by a number of sources,
including a message posted to the Talisman listserv
discussion group (which was run 1994-1996 by John Walbridge,
professor of Near Eastern Studies at Indiana University),
in which a correspondent reported that he was told
by an older African-American Baha'i who had been prominent
in teaching the South Carolinian converts more about
their religion that
his study of 25 years of national elections led him
to think that there would be very little variability
in the ethnic makeup of the N.S.A. membership, that
a specific ratio of racial diversity was carefully
being maintained (sort of an enhanced tokenism?), and
that there were lots of fears by the powers that be
that if the mass teaching in the south had been allowed
to go forward at full steam that a black N.S.A. majority
would probably have been elected, so the mass teaching
was stopped. (Talisman, April 1996)
Of course, this is only one opinion, and my be incorrect,
but the quote shows that some African-American Bahais
entertained these doubts. It does seem clear that
the U.S. Baha'i authorities (unlike their Indian counterparts)
chose to impose the sort of controls that might risk
stagnation rather than take a chance on vast but uncontrolled
growth. An eyewitness told me that House of Justice
member Ali Nakhjavani deplored the decision as having
set back the U.S. Bahai community by a generation.
On the other hand, the N.S.A. did show concern to
socialize the new Southern African-American converts
to Baha'i values; admitted a representative of that
community to the N.S.A.; and has done community service
work, including setting up a radio station in South
The next large-scale event involved the immigration
to the U.S. from 1978 through the mid-1980s of some
12,000 Iranian Bahais fleeing persecution at the hands
of the Khomeinist government in Iran. The American
rank and file responded to these events with active
campaigns on behalf of their beleaguered Iranian co-religionists
and enhanced monetary offerings. The House of Justice
in Haifa, however, took a different approach. At first
it was reluctant to abandon its quietism in order to
protest the persecutions. Moreover, it offered no
support to Iranian Bahais attempting to flee, and
even punished many who succeeded, on the grounds that
they could only have gotten out by denying their faith.
In many instances it refused to certify such Bahais
as members, preventing them from being granted asylum
and thereby putting them in severe difficulty and sometimes
even danger. The U.S. N.S.A. also took this hard line,
refusing to welcome large numbers of the escapees into
the U.S. community. House of Justice member Ali Nakhjavani
vocally and sternly defended these policies on trips
to the U.S. The House of Justice did come to support
the U.S. N.S.A. in its policy of putting pressure on
the Iranian government through cooperation with human
rights organizations, though it sometimes continued
to balk at certifying escapees as Bahais.
The period after 1979 was a time of big changes in the
U.S. The influx of Iranians, some of whom eventually
were accepted into the community, was sufficiently
geographically dispersed to require Bahai communities
to come to terms with a more multi-cultural ethos,
and most Bahai communities now included white, Iranian
and African-American members. South Carolina and California
are the two biggest population centers, but Bahais
have made strenuous efforts to build communities in
every state, having by the mid-1990s some 1300 local
spiritual assemblies throughout the country and a national
annual budget of around $20 million (though contributions
to the national fund in 1996 were only $11 million
and were not keeping up with inflation). The N.S.A.
claims 130,000 Bahais in the late 1990s, but this
is a vast exaggeration, even if one counts the children.
The N.S.A.s own survey of 300 communities showed
that only a third of members regularly attended the
nineteen-day feast (National Spiritual Assembly of
U.S., 1997). Wilmette insiders give a figure closer
to 60,000 for adults in good standing for whom the
authorities still have a confirmed address, and probably
only half of these could be considered active or
committed. After all, converts can only be removed
from the rolls by writing a formal letter to the National
Spiritual Assembly explicitly renouncing belief in
Bahaullah. Most of those who leave the religion
do not bother to do so. One Baha'i tells the story
of how an attempt was made in the 1980s to contact
the Bahais in Compton, California. Official records
showed 22 Bahais there for which the N.S.A. had addresses.
But an exhaustive search turned up only two who still
considered themselves Bahais (personal communication,
May, 1997). This case cannot be typical, but it is
suggestive. It is sometimes argued that those converts
of whom the authorities have lost track may not have
entirely given up their allegiance to the religion.
In 1990 CUNY conducted a poll of 110,000 U.S. households
with regard to religion, and, only finding 24 adults
who reported themselves as Bahais, estimated the size
of the community as 28,000 adults. These findings,
while perhaps on the low side, confirm that there are
not large numbers of lost Bahais floating about in
the general population (Kosmin and Lachman 1992:17,
151, 287).
Isolating Beliefs and Practices
What are the beliefs and practices that underpin the
control mechanisms practiced by Bahai institutions?
Bahais are encouraged to relocate so as to serve
as lay missionaries in a place with few Bahais, in
their own countries or abroad. Since these policies
began in the 1930s and 1940s most Bahai communities
have been small, ranging from a handful to forty members,
with only a few communities much bigger. Participation
in the larger communities can be quite demanding, since
the Bahai faith lacks a professional clergy and all
the religion's work must be done by lay officials and
by volunteers. A secondary effect of these practices
is that an active Bahai often moves far away from
or is too busy to see much of non-Bahai family and
friends and is left highly dependent on Bahai social
networks, and is thus vulnerable to pressure for conformity
from Bahai institutions.
A significant way in which Bahais are isolated from
mainstream society is the ban on participation in politics.
Things were not always thus. In nineteenth-century
Iran Bahais sometimes held high political office,
and some Bahai intellectuals were important in agitating
for constitutionalism and an end to absolutism. `Abdu'l-Baha
made a distinction between those living under absolute
monarchies and those living in republics. "Now, as
the government of America is a republican form of government,
it is necessary that all the citizens shall take part
in the elections of officers and take part in the affairs
of the republic" (`Abdul-Baha 1909-1916: II, 342-343).
Early U.S. Bahais likewise were active in U.S. politics,
belonged to political parties, and in some instances
held civil political office.
In the 1930s Shoghi Effendi called a halt to Bahai
involvement in party politics, and his policy has hardened
into a Bahai principle (Hornsby 1982:329). He took
this step in part because the Iranian community under
the Pahlavi dictatorship withdrew or was excluded from
public affairs, and he appears to have felt that Iranian
Baha'i values should be normative world-wide. He also
was concerned that partisan political disputes had
polarized major Bahai communities such as that of
New York. Shoghi Effendi's secretary wrote on his
behalf in 1951 that "we must do two things--shun politics
like the plague, and be obedient to the Government
in power in the place where we reside" (Hornsby 1982:332).
Shoghi Effendi's sentiments in this regard were reaffirmed
in a major encyclical addressed to African Bahais
by the House of Justice in 1970 (Universal House of
Justice 1976:44-50), and remain a strong value. U.S.
Bahais typically condemn active participation in politics,
and their attitudes can generally be described as anti-liberal
(Holmes 1993), as in the following posting to an email
forum: "The political culture in the U.S. is strongly
influenced by these revolutionary developments and
by thinkers, such as Locke, Jefferson, and Mill, that
promoted them. The characteristics of this political
culture include suspicion toward authority, the promotion
of individualism, and the use of adversarial processes,
protest and rebellion in order to check the abuse of
power. So steeped are many of us in this political
culture that we have difficulty imagining real change
without some process of opposition or partisan conflict"
(Aull 1993).
The Bahais inability to belong to political parties,
vote in primaries that require party affiliation, contest
partisan elections, contribute to political campaigns,
or even express political views, detracts from their
ability to participate fully in the affairs of the
republic and in some important respects isolates them
from the larger U.S. society. Indeed, Bahais are
not only excluded from belonging to political parties,
but also from membership in activist organizations
such as Amnesty International (Universal House of Justice
1993). Bahais do partipate in some institutions of
civil society, especially at the local level. But
on the whole they have fewer institutional affiliations
outside their religion than is common among Americans,
which gives Bahai leaders greater leverage over them.
Another way in which many Bahais are isolated from
non-Bahai social supports is their disparagement of
the institutions and values of mainstream American
society. Many Bahais exalt their own community, values
and procedures, and denigrate those of what they call
the "Old World Order." The U.S. Constitution and its
Bill of Rights are often criticized by conservative
Bahais as embodying Old World Order values inferior
to those found in Bahai writings. Bahai antagonism
to existing American society is expressed in a number
of ways. Among the symbolically most powerful is a
widespread Bahai belief in what is called the "Calamity,"
an apocalyptic event or set of events that will radically
change American society and lay the foundation for
the mass adoption of the Bahai faith (Smith 1982;
Caton in Hollinger 1992:269). Mainstream Bahais seldom
set precise dates for the Calamity, in contrast to
tiny sectarian movements such as the Jensenites in
Many Bahais believe that their ecclesiastical institutions
will eventually supplant the U.S. government (and other
governments), so that a Bahai theocracy will abolish
the separation of religion and state. This belief
is contested by Western Bahai liberals, but has recently
been favored by the Universal House of Justice (Universal
House of Justice 1996c; Haukness 1996; Watler 1996;
Johnson 1997). Only Bahais may vote in Bahai elections,
and presumably only Bahais would be allowed to vote
in the unlikely event of a theocratic Bahai government
being established in the U.S. This policy would create
religious minorities with less than full civil rights,
as was and sometimes still is common in the Muslim
Middle East. That late twentieth-century American Bahais
should advocate theocracy is ironic, since in the nineteenth
century Middle East, its founding fathers Baha'u'llah
and `Abdu'l-Baha argued for a separation of religion
and state and for multi-party democracy as a way of
gaining more tolerance for the new religion in Shi`ite
Iran (Cole 1992). The theocratic ideal is clearly
a radical Middle Eastern one, and is paralleled in
the Islamic Republic of Iran. Most contemporary Bahais
do not realize that the various stances taken on this
issue over the period of a century by Baha'u'llah,
`Abdu'l-Baha and Shoghi Effendi contain some contradictions,
and it is a late theocratic vision, present most radically
in pilgrim's notes of remarks attributed to Shoghi
Effendi in the 1950s, that many Bahai institutions
now uphold (Robarts 1993).
Bahais invest their religious institutions with great
authority, since many do not see them--as Protestants
would--as a mere church, but rather as an embryonic
theocracy (in this they resemble the Khomeinists).
Many, perhaps most American Bahais believe that the
House of Justice in Haifa is infallible in all its
doings. This belief derives from a particular understanding
of the Arabic word employed by `Abdul-Baha to describe
the institutions authority, ma`sum, (which
in the original means morally immaculate rather than
infallible in the Roman Catholic sense). Many believers
ignore Shoghi Effendis limitation of the sphere of
infallibility of the House of Justice to legislation,
which denied it the authority to engage in authoritative
scriptural interpretation (Rabbani 1969:148-151).
With the end of the guardianship, conservative Bahais
are eager to invest the House of Justice with de facto
interpretive authority, and the House of Justice has
come out vigorously against secular humanism and
materialist methodologies in academic scholarship,
which would appear to be interpretive issues (UHJ 1997).
Many Bahais believe they must subordinate their individual
consciences to UHJ decisions and obey it implicitly,
a value strongly at odds with American individualism.
Bahai liberals in the West frequently demur from
this view in private, but they appear to be increasingly
a minority. Belief in infallibility can act as a powerful
control mechanism. A former British Bahai describes
how a vote at a national convention was overturned
in the late 1970s when Philip Hainsworth, a member
of the U.K. N.S.A., asked the delegates if they really
desired to oppose the wishes of the infallible Universal
House of Justice (private communication, Feb. 1997).
Although national spiritual assemblies are not considered
infallible, many American Bahais view all Bahai institutions
as divinely guided under certain circumstances.
Belief in divine guidance makes Bahais especially
susceptible to authoritarian control techniques on
the part of Bahai administrators, and inclines them
to a blame the victim mindset wherein they condemn
vocal victims of repression as a source of disunity
(cf. Shupe 1995; Collins 1991).
Divine Elections
Many control mechanisms relate to the electoral system
and the realities of power in the community. Early
American Bahais lacked a clergy, electing lay leaders.
They allowed nominations to be made for Bahai office,
and also allowed campaigning for Bahai office. When
early American Bahais asked `Abdu'l-Baha how they
should conduct elections for local spiritual assemblies
he replied that they should follow the rules for election
common in their own country (`Abdul-Baha 1908-1916:
I,7). Van den Hoonard points out that nominations
and canvassing for Bahai office were standard practice
in North America in the time of `Abdul-Baha (van den
Hoonard 1996:157-158). Shoghi Effendi abolished the
practice of nominations and campaigning for elective
Bahai office in the early 1930s, in accordance with
Iranian Bahai practice. Although ending these practices
appears to have had a basis in egalitarian ideals,
as the community grew it became impossible for a large
electorate to know and evaluate national candidates,
and so informal mechanisms of nomination and campaigning
developed, wielded especially by those already in power
Bahai elective institutions are not beholden to the
electorate, and may decide as they please. No public
criticism of Bahai institutions is permitted, though
private criticism, in the form of individual letters
to the institution or comments at Bahai-only administrative
gatherings is said to be allowed (Universal House of
Justice 1988, 1989). Persistent public criticism of
Baha'i institutions by a Bahai is considered a contravention
of the Baha'i covenant, and is often branded a dishonest
attack on the Baha'i faith, punishable by shunning.
After a vote has been taken, all the members of the
Bahai community must support the result, and defeated
minorities may not continue to criticize (Hornsby 1983:31).
This procedure assumes that after some time, if the
adopted policy is a poor one, the community will come
somehow to recognize its inadequacy, and will adopt
a new policy. This theory of political behavior denies
the need for checks and balances.
The placing of elected bodies above public criticism
and the silencing of defeated minorities has had predictable
effects at the national level. Since 1961, no member
of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States
who has stood for reelection has been unseated. Since
elections of the N.S.A. are annual and there are nine
slots, over the past twenty years there have been 180
opportunities to elect a candidate. In this time there
has been less than ten percent turnover, and these
changes have always been the result of an incumbent
not standing for reelection. Moreover, the current
system seems especially open to penetration by kinship
and patronage networks:
For example, [N.S.A.. Secretary Robert] Henderson's
mother, Wilma Ellis, is married to [N.S.A. member Firuz]
Kazemzadeh. Ellis herself is a former N.S.A. member
who has held a variety of prominent Bahai' i positions.
Currently she is a member of the Continental Board
of Counselors of the Americas, which provides advice
and other services to elected Bahai bodies throughout
the hemisphere. Two other current N.S.A. members are
husband and wife James and Dorothy Nelson. He is a
former presiding judge of the Los Angeles Municipal
Court. She is a judge of California's Ninth Circuit
Court of Appeals. Two other members are Juana Conrad,
a retired administrator for the Los Angeles Municipal
Courts, and William Davis, former administrative executive
of the Ninth Circuit Court. Yet another current assembly
member is South Dakotan Patricia Locke, the first American-Indian
woman to serve on the N.S.A.. She replaced her son
Kevin Locke. [Michael] McMullen, University of Houston
sociologist, acknowledged that the prohibition against
nominations and campaigning has made it hard for those
outside the Bahai establishment to win election to
the N.S.A. But on the local level, he added, there
is a much higher leadership turnover. Moreover, on
this level of authority, he said, issues, even controversial
ones, are freely debated without fear of official disapproval.
(Rifkin 1997 [misattributed to Cole]).
Bahai critics of the system allege that electoral results
are skewed in three ways.
The National Spiritual Assembly enjoys all the advantages
of incumbency, controlling the image of incumbents
in the national newspaper, The American Baha'i
(an organ of the N.S.A.), sending videotapes of the
incumbents to local communities, and sending members
around to conferences, which enhances their visibility
(all this is paid for out of the national Baha'i fund).
These advantages of incumbency are especially efficacious
in a system where no campaigning for office by others
is allowed. Second, they allege that sitting members
often promote close associates onto the body, flying
them around to conferences, appointing them to high-powered
national committees, and giving them prominence at
important events (personal communication, May, 1996).
Since speaking openly about candidates is not allowed,
subtle non-verbal signals have taken on extreme importance
for delegates, who seem willing to be guided by the
incumbents in these indirect ways. At the very least,
there is a widespread perception among some portions
of the community that such subtle signals from incumbents
do form a sort of nomination procedure. In the 1970s
an African-American prominent in the proselytization
campaign in South Carolina said that:
he was asked if he wanted to be part of an orchestration
of the N.S.A. [National Spiritual Assembly] election.
He said that it was understood that the people that
gained visibility when chosen to read prayers on the
big stage at national convention had been "blessed"
by the powers that be. He told them that he was not
interested in being a prayer reader. (Talisman, April
Obviously, launching a campaign for the N.S.A. involves
rather more than is indicated above, but this recollection
does show how the semiotics of prominence are thought
by many to operate at the National Convention. Third,
some grassroots campaigns are launched by unannounced
candidates who go about the country giving talks.
Such informal campaigning is generally permitted as
long as the candidate does not criticize the National
Spiritual Assembly, does not explicitly ask for votes,
and waits patiently for a slot to open up on that body.
The National Spiritual Assembly occasionally stops
such grassroots campaigns by ordering the persons
talks cancelled, or, if chairmanship of a national
committee is becoming a platform for popularity, by
firing the individual (Anon. 1992). Conservative Bahais
deny that there is any manipulation of elections,
which they see as divinely inspired.
Control Mechanisms and Sanctions
Bahai leaders employ a number of important control
mechanisms to shape the speech and behavior of Bahais.
These include removal of voting rights, shunning,
demands for conformity, accusations of weakness in
the covenant, informing and surveillance, and various
forms of censorship. Many of these tools are employed
primarily against persons who are somehow prominent
or appear to have leadership potential but do not seem
easy for incumbents to control, or against intellectuals
and some businessmen engaged in Bahai-related businesses.
The prohibition of nominations and campaigning leads
administrators to feel a need for strict controls on
Bahai discourse, and often to the avoidance of even
mentioning leaders by name in public, which would be
construed as backbiting. The ban on campaigning can
become a ban on visibility or on any sort of critical
thinking. A group of Californian believers began a
Baha'i magazine, Dialogue, in the mid-1980s.
Although all the articles were submitted for prepublication
censorship to the National Spiritual Assembly, a feeling
of distrust toward the magazines left-liberal editorial
line grew up in Wilmette and in Haifa. In spring of
1988 the editors proposed the publication of a 9-point
reform program, A Modest Proposal, which they submitted
for censorship (Dialogue Ed. Board 1987). The article
pointed to the decline in conversions, argued against
continued censorship, and proposed term limits for
N.S.A. members. They offered to (but did not) make
the document available beforehand to delegates to the
national convention. The response of N.S.A. secretary
Robert Henderson and Firuz Kazemzadeh was to accuse
the editors of engaging in negative campaigning.
The editors were denounced at the 1988 national convention
in Wilmette, and were interrogated by N.S.A. members,
who privately expressed concerns that the publication
of such a document might have prevented incumbents
from being reelected, and who raised suspicions that
an independent magazine such as Dialogue might
prove a vehicle for gaining popularity in the community
for the editors such that they might get elected to
the N.S.A. The editors, dismayed at this barrage of
what they felt were false charges and violations of
due process, and worried that Dialogue could
not survive such official condemnation, closed the
magazine (Scholl 1997). The ban on campaigning leads
to a situation where a great deal of suspicion falls
on any active intellectual or any medium of communication
not directly controlled by the N.S.A.
Bahai administrators put a high premium on enforcing
relative conformity of views within the religion, taking
steps to prevent the emergence of self-conscious subcultures,
which are seen as parties and as divisive. Despite
the clear ideological divide in the community between
liberals and conservatives apparent on email forums,
Bahais are forbidden to label one another in this
way, which effectively prevents liberals from complaining
about the conservative ascendancy. Although the early
Bahai faith had a place in it for cohesive sub-groups
of mystics and scholars, the contemporary American
community places a premium on homogeneity. Legitimate
leadership is held to be collective, though cults of
personality do grow up around Bahai officials. Great
suspicion attaches to any Bahai teacher or lecturer
who is not an elected or appointed official and is
thought to be gaining a following. The story of
one such popular Bahai lecturer in the 1980s, an immigrant
from Iran whose name I have disguised, is told by a
Under the auspices of the California Regional Teaching
Committee he began to do classes . . . on personal
reading of the [sacred] Text. These were very widely
attended . . . One day after about 4 or 5 months a
representative of the CA RTC said that the N.S.A. was
very concerned about the extreme adulation being shown
to [Ibrahim], some of which was expressed in letters
to the National Center. Tragically, this person said
that the friends could think what they wanted to, but
to please just change what they wrote to the N.S.A..
This was subterfuge, and this, combined with [Ibrahims]
silence on the matter instead of public renunciation
of the adulation, was the death knell. The classes
were closed down. The rumor was that it was because
he was developing a following (personal communication,
16 April 1997).
While a Baptist preacher would have been rewarded for
such activities with his own congregation, the collectivist
ethos of the American Bahai community demanded that
this popular preacher actually be silenced for his
Among important control mechanisms at the disposal of
Bahai leaders is the removal of a believer's "administrative
rights." By virtue of joining the Bahai faith, all
adult believers have the right to vote directly for
members of their local spiritual assembly, and to vote
at District Convention for their delegate to the annual
National Convention, who in turn elects the members
of the National Spiritual Assembly each year. Elections
of local and national assemblies are conducted according
to the "Australian" system, such that the nine persons
garnering the most votes win. Every five years, members
of the world's National Spiritual Assemblies elect
the members of the Universal House of Justice. One's
administrative rights also include holding elective
office and attendance at the nineteen-day feast, a
combination of worship service and church business
meeting. Administrative rights are required for participation
in a Bahai marriage ceremony, and only those in possession
of these rights may contribute money to the Bahai
faith. Many conferences, and even some email forums,
such as Bahai-Discuss, are for Bahais in good standing
only. Local spiritual assemblies may not revoke a
believer's administrative rights, but may recommend
that the National Spiritual Assembly do so. For the
most part the National Spiritual Assembly takes such
a step because a believer has repeatedly broken some
Bahai law in a public way--participation in civil
politics, belonging to another religious organization,
drinking alcohol, gambling, having an affair, homosexuality,
failure to abide by Bahai marriage laws (which require
the consent of both parties' parents), or breaking
a civil law of some seriousness (Hornsby 1983: 39-51).
Those whose rights are removed can no longer serve
as public speakers in Baha'i settings, and, if writers,
are usually unable to convince Baha'i publishers to
publish them. In some instances the N.S.A. has removed
rights for essentially political reasons, because a
believer has publicly or even privately criticized
(Bahais would say slandered) the National Spiritual
Assembly. A debate on this issue broke out in fall,
1995 on the email network, Talisman, in which liberals
pointed out that here the National Spiritual Assembly
acted as both plaintiff and judge. Most participants
defended the current procedures, on the grounds that
Shoghi Effendi had given this prerogative only to National
Spiritual Assemblies and had specified that assembly
members who were party to a dispute with an individual
Bahai should not recuse themselves in deciding that
persons fate.
Bahais who publicly disagree (e.g. on email lists)
with policies of the Baha'i institutions can also simply
be dropped from the rolls and declared non-members,
as happened to Canadian fantasy writer and editor Michael
McKenny in July, 1997. The most serious sanction of
all is being declared a covenant breaker. Although
Bahaullah himself attempted to abolish the practices
of shunning and ritual pollution, contemporary Bahais,
like members of the Watchtower and other cults, shun
those who are excommunicated. Only the head of the
Bahai faith can impose this punishment, so that this
authority now rests with the House of Justice. Whereas
loss of voting rights does not necessarily speak to
one's spiritual well-being, being declared a covenant-breaker
makes one spiritually condemned. Bahais are not to
speak to or have anything to do with covenant breakers
(Hornsby 1983: 148-153). Bahai friends and family,
including the spouse, cut the covenant breaker off.
Rank and file Bahais take the obligation of shunning
very seriously, and being cast out from ones support
network can be devastating. This punishment typically
is imposed upon a Bahai who has come into direct conflict
with the head of the religion. Most often this is
because the individual has put forth a competing claim
and attempted to form a Bahai sect, or because a Bahai
has chosen to join or associate with such a sect. Bahai
officials sometimes even declare ex-Bahais covenant-breakers.
In late 1996 in New Zealand a new Bahai who refused
to terminate her friendship with the daughter of a
covenant breaker responded to pressure to do so by
formally withdrawing from the Bahai religion. She
was nevertheless declared a covenant breaker (Universal
House of Justice 1996d). Individuals can also be shunned
for expressions of conscience. Recently, the House
of Justice informed an American Bahai liberal who
had been critical of the U.S. National Spiritual Assembly
and had urged reform of Bahai judicial procedure that,
should he continue on this path, "he and those with
whom he has been closely associated would find themselves
in direct conflict with the Covenant" (Universal House
of Justice 1996b). In Baha'i terminology, they were
threatening to have these Bahais shunned if they continued
publicly criticizing (attacking and undermining)
Baha'i institutions or their policies, even though
they were not fomenting a schism. Threats to use shunning
for this purpose have increased with the rise of cyberspace.
Although Bahai authorities do not appear to intervene
in individuals' secular businesses that are licit in
Bahai law, they do feel it their prerogative to interfere
with Bahai businesses that pursue activities directly
related to the Bahai faith. Thus, the making and
marketing of Bahai-related jewelry and decorations
is strictly monitored and individuals can be ordered
to desist from such activities. Music by Baha'i musicians
with Baha'i lyrics must be reviewed. The National
Spiritual Assembly claims the prerogative of telling
private Bahai publishers what Bahai-related books
they may or may not publish, and even of ordering the
deletion of certain passages from both secondary and
primary sources (MacEoin 1992:i). During the build-up
to the 1991 Bahai World Congress in New York, the
National Spiritual Assembly encouraged all Bahais
to use its expensive official travel agency, and some
private Bahai travel agents report that the N.S.A.
used threats of sanctions to pressure them not to offer
competing, lower-priced packages (personal communication,
March 8, 1996, and enclosures).
Conformity of views and behavior is a strong value,
and deviation from stock phrases and ideas is looked
upon with considerable suspicion (Johnson 1997). Despite
the existence of New Age and liberal subcultures, the
most widespread approach in the American Bahai community
to scriptural exegesis is literalism, as in fundamentalist
Protestantism. Administrative practice is based largely
on a literalist reading of Shogh Effendi's English-language
letters concerning the development of the Western
Baha'i communities. Although Bahais supposedly believe
in the "unity of science and religion," in practice
most U.S. Bahais put a literalist interpretation of
scripture above science. Recently Counselors have
begun demanding assent to a literalist approach to
Baha'i scripture from liberal Bahai academics, on
pain of being shunned (Birkland 1996).
The community employs a number of mechanisms to impose
doctrinal and behavioral conformity. One is to charge
that a speaker with whom one disagrees is weak in or
actually undermining the Covenant by his or her words.
This tactic was employed to disrupt an academic conference
on Baha'u'llah's Most Holy Book held in Wilmette
in March, 1995, where Bahai intellectuals presenting
other than conservative views were sniggered at by
some in the audience and called, sotto voce,
covenant breakers (personal communication, 1995).
When, in the early 1990s, a left-liberal academic
Baha'i took a job at Carleton College, Counselor Stephen
Birkland of Minneapolis privately told Bahais in the
region to shun him as though he were a covenant breaker
(pers. communication, July, 1997). With the rise of
unmonitored email forums, where Bahai liberals and
other nonconformists are free to express themselves
publicly, the difficulty of maintaining a monopoly
on the media for Bahai orthodoxy has increased. In
response, the House of Justice encouraged Bahais who
hear something they think out of the ordinary to challenge
the speaker to justify his or her statement with regard
to the covenant (Universal House of Justice 1996a).
On the Talisman email forum, for instance, an Iranian-American
engineer alleged that Bahai liberals constituted a
sub-group who were attempting to undermine the covenant"
(Talisman, April 1996). This practice is similar to
the Muslim principle that lay puritan volunteers should
go about "enjoining the good and forbidding the bad."
Informing, which is officially encouraged, forms another
important control mechanism. If accusations of covenant
breaking do not cow the liberal, the conservative Bahai
will often "report" the offender to the spiritual assembly
or to a member of the increasingly clergy-like Institution
of the Learned. In the U.S. this body consists of
four North American counselors, who command nearly
70 auxiliary board members, each of whom in turn has
an average of 60 assistants. This cadre of over 4,000
persons forms a significant proportion of the active
believers, and those concerned with protection in
particular vigorously monitor the community for their
superiors. An official will sometimes investigate
the accused, and then meet with the offender in an
attempt to persuade him or her to orthodoxy. The authorities
keep files on those so reported, and sometimes blacklist
them from prominent committee assignments, appointment
as assistants, and from speaking at official Bahai
events and conferences.
Some anecdotes illustrate these practices. A Bahai
professional attended meetings of a special-interest
group for Bahais, in the mid-1980s. At one of these
he suggested that the phrase "world government," employed
by Bahais, was off-putting to most Americans and that
Bahais should find a different terminology. (Conformity
to the vocabulary of Shoghi Effendi is an especially
strong value, which this individual's remark violated).
He says that as a result, a member of the National
Spiritual Assembly put a fellow conference participant
"under secret orders" to keep an eye on him, but that
the person recruited to spy on him later confessed
this to him (personal communication, 1996). It was
alleged to me that this National Spiritual Assembly
member maintained a network of informers nationally.
Ross Summers, a health care professional in Seattle,
relates that before going on pilgrimage to the Bahai
shrines in Haifa in the 1970s, he saw a newly-issued
letter from the House of Justice that discouraged Bahais
from reading covenant-breaker material, but did not
absolutely forbid it. Summers then went on pilgrimage,
and while in Haifa casually mentioned the letter's
contents to another Bahai pilgrim. Many Bahais seek
out and destroy covenant-breaker materials in libraries,
and believe it virtually a mortal sin to possess such
books or pamphlets (though the Baha'i institutions
discourage such extreme measures). So the Bahai pilgrim
disbelieved Summers' remark, and was alarmed. Back
in the U.S. on the East Coast, the offended pilgrim
contacted a former auxiliary board member and related
the content of the conversation. This man then passed
the information on to a counselor. Upon his return
home to Seattle, Mr. Summers was contacted by a local
auxiliary board member, who sought a meeting in his
home about his statement to the pilgrim in Haifa.
Mr. Summers accepted, and produced for the ABM the
letter from the Universal House of Justice, vindicating
his remarks. Neither the ABM nor the Counselors appear
to have been aware of this letter previously. Summers
felt that having been essentially spied upon rather
spoiled the good feelings he had otherwise taken away
from his pilgrimage (personal comm., 26 April 1996).
As these anecdotes suggest, to be a Bahai is to be
under constant surveillance by one's community, and
to be open to being reported on if one says or does
anything that seems to another Bahai out of the ordinary.
The accused has no access to such reports and no right
to face his or her accuser. The system of using rank
and file informers has a venerable history in the Middle
The Bahai faith imposes a system of in-house censorship
on all Bahais (Johnson 1997, Rifkin 1997), just as
most Middle Eastern governments have practiced censorship
since the rise of printing in the nineteenth century.
Within the Bahai religion, any piece of writing by
a Bahai author about the religion intended for publication
is to be vetted by elected Bahai officials at the
appropriate level (local, national, international).
This requirement has provoked many conflicts between
Bahai officials and writers over the years. Critics
charge that it has led to a paucity of intellectually
acute Bahai literature, to a lack of independent magazines
and to the withdrawal of a number of Bahai writers.
The innovative research findings of the new generation
of Bahai academics has in particular brought them
into conflict with the conservatives in charge of the
censorship apparatus. Although Bahai officials insist
that the censorship requirement (literature review)
is temporary, it has already lasted nearly a century,
and the House of Justice has made it clear that it
intends to keep it in effect for a very long time.
And although it is sometimes alleged that review
protects Baha'i authors, in practice even work submitted
for review, such as the Dialogue Modest Proposal,
can attract sanctions. Prepublication censorship has
been among the primary techniques by which Bahai authors
have been prevented from publishing on the controversies
of contemporary Bahai history, and it is notable that
the history of the community since about 1950 has not
been written about in any detail. Contemporary history
is off-limits as a subject because it would involve
making value judgments on present office-holders.
It is often alleged by Baha'i conservatives that literature
review does not actually impede the publication of
research findings. But in 1988 the all-male House
of Justice permanently suppressed an academic paper
arguing that women could serve on the UHJ, insisting
that only men could serve.
Although the emergence of email discussion groups and
of the World Wide Web pose profound challenges to the
Bahai system of internal censorship, Bahai institutions
have moved aggressively to retain control in the new
environment. For instance, the major usenet list,
Soc.Religion.Bahai, which is the most prominent site
for posting about the religion, is a moderated list;
its editors tend to be fairly conservative; and they
report to a local spiritual assembly and an auxiliary
board member about policy, and sometimes receive directives
from counselors. They limit the posting of criticisms
of Bahai institutions or any statements that too profoundly
challenge Bahai orthodoxy (sometimes posting a few
such criticisms and then calling a halt to the discussion).
When Bahai Frederick Glaysher began a campaign for
an unmoderated usenet list, the rank and file Soc.Religion.Bahai
posters were overwhelmingly negative about the idea,
and heavily voted against it. (Admittedly Glaysher,
a pugnacious poster, was not the ideal publicist for
the idea). One Baha'i wrote, This is not a
first amendment issue, I must tell you. As I understand
it, the Faith, our part in the Covenant, implies that
we remain silent and accept certain things that we,
as Americans, are culturally trained to disobey or
complain about in public.
Baha'i authorities have dealt with email forums through
post-publication censorship, similar to that practiced
by governments in the global South such as Singapore.
Electronic mail, while it allows open discourse, is
nevertheless also a useful tool in monitoring members
of the religion, given that informants forward unusual
messages to the authorities. Many Bahai officials
and ex-officials are given the opportunity to read
these communications (some of them personal). The following
description of an ex-official who monitored e-mail
traffic in the community illustrates the point:
This person . . . when he was an ABM [auxiliary board
member] he developed a lot of contacts who would say
something like `this situation might interest you.
Do you want me to forward the info to you. And he
always said yes. And these people continue forwarding
stuff to him. Consequently he claims to get scads of
mail much of which he simply doesn't even read.
But he does read some, including [confidential messages]
(personal communication, 23 September 1996).
Active officials receive many more such forwardings
of confidential material and reports. An example of
how this system works concerns a woman on the email
forum, Bahai-Discuss, who argued to a believer in Florida
that in the future women would serve on the currently
all-male Universal House of Justice. The Florida
woman faxed a copy of the offending email message
along with commentary to her opponents spiritual assembly,
which passed the material on to an auxiliary board
member. Officials sometimes act on such reports by
summoning the offender to a meeting and silencing him
or her.
Even more serious charges can be made. In April, 1996,
the counselors launched charges against a number of
prominent liberal posters to the Talisman@indiana.edu
listserv, alleging that the posters had "made statements
contrary to the Covenant" (Johnson 1997). The list
had been a site for discussing issues such as the need
to contextualize Baha'i scripture in Middle Eastern
history in order to understand its implications, the
potential limits on the infallibility of the House
of Justice, the possibility of women serving on that
institution, and the pros and cons of official literature
review. Criticisms were also voiced of past administration
actions. The Baha'i authorities, viewing such discussions
as a form of public dissent and even slander, threatened
to have these individuals shunned if they continued
posting on such subjects. As a result, the list-owner
closed the list down in May of that year, some of the
accused withdrew from the religion (the author among
them [though he maintains his private faith]), and others fell silent. A prominent academic
who had posted on Talisman received a threatening letter
from Counselor Stephen Birkland stating that
This is a warning that the recipient
will be declared a covenant breaker if he does not
fall silent. The archived email messages the counselor
had collected from the academic, which he sent along
as examples of what would not be tolerated, included
statements that Bahai metaphysics had a Neoplatonic
background, that contrary to `Abdul-Bahas statements
Socrates had not conversed with Hebrew prophets in
the Holy Land, and that the Universal House of Justice
was not infallible in its choice of building materials
for construction projects in Haifa. More serious was
a private posting the academic had accidentally sent
out making light of the Wilmette administration, expressing
pleasure that it had so far not dared close down Talisman,
and batting down the idea broached by one angry liberal
of forming an organization. This posting was seen
as evidence of a conspiracy.
Bahai authorities exercise a great deal of control
over discourse in the community, maintaining a virtual
monopoly on mass media with a Bahai audience. This
control is felt necessary in part to prevent electioneering
and coalition-forming, which are formally barred (despite
the informal campaigning discussed above). It is perhaps
not incidental that the controls on electioneering
and other forms of communication have the side effect
of ensuring that criticism of those in power cannot
achieve wide circulation, and that the incumbents who
exercise that control are reelected every year. Incumbents
act aggressively against Bahai owners of media who
demonstrate too much independence. They monitor the
speech of individuals extensively through a system
of informants, and intervene behind the scenes to silence
dissidents with threats of sanctions. They require
prepublication censorship of everything Bahais write
about their religion. They intervene in the private
businesses of believers where they think the interests
of the administration are at stake. They tell private
Bahai publishers what books and even what passages
in books they may and may not publish. They employ
the threats of loss of administrative rights, humiliation
in the national Bahai newspaper, and even of shunning,
in order to control believers.
Having Bahais inform on their co-believers allows the
administration to discover nonconformists who might
not toe the party line, and to monitor their activities.
The system operates so as to maintain the orthodox
ideology in power and prevent the election to that
institution of dissenters through identifying them
and ensuring that they do not become visible in the
community. The practice of informing creates a panopticon,
as described by Michel Foucault in his discussion of
Jeremy Bentham's ideas on penal reform (Foucault 1979).
Bentham argued that putting the criminal constantly
under observation would deter him from further criminal
acts, and would even cause him eventually to internalize
the sense of constantly being watched, thus becoming
permanently reformed. Conventional Bahais often never
discover the informant system, since they never trip
the wire that would lead to their being informed on.
The independent-minded, however, usually discover
it fairly early in their Bahai careers, and then have
to decide whether they wish to live the rest of their
lives in a panopticon. This practice, like many other
control mechanisms, discourages spiritual entrepreneurship
and keeps the religion from growing in the West.
Aull, Brian
Bellah, Robert
Birkland, Counselor Stephen
Caton, Peggy
Cole, Juan R.I.
1998 Modernity and the Millennium: The Genesis of
the Bahai Faith in the Nineteen-Century Middle
East. New York: Columbia University Press.
Collins, John J.
Dialogue Editorial Board
Easterman, Daniel
Foucault, Michel
Gouldner, Alvin.
Hardesty, Nancy A.
Haukness, John.
Hollinger, Richard, ed.
Holmes, Stephen
Hornsby, Helen
Johnson, K. Paul
MacEoin, Denis
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahais of the United
1997 Annual Report, June 24, 1997.
Rabbani, Shoghi Effendi
Robarts, John A.
Rifkin, Ira
Scholl, Steven.
Shupe, Anson.
Soc.Religion.Bahai Usenet Archives
Smith, Peter.
1987 The Babi and Bahai Religions: From Messianic
Shi`ism to a World Religion. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Smith, Peter and Moojan Momen
Stark, Rodney and William Sims Bainbridge
Stockman, Robert H.
1994 "The Bahai Faith in America: One Hundred Years,"
World Order 25, no. 3 (Spring 1994): 9-23.
Talisman Archives
van den Hoonard, Will C.
Universal House of Justice
1976 Messages 1968-1973, Wilmette, Ill.: Bahai
Publishing Trust.
1989 Letter of 21 June 1989 to Steven Scholl, posted
on Talisman.
1993 Letter of 14 February concerning Amnesty International.
1996a Letter of 16 February to David House, posted
on Talisman
1996b Letter of 10 April 1996, posted on Talisman
1996c Letter of 27 April to Sen McGlinn, posted on
1996d Letter of 12 December to the National Spiritual
Assembly of New Zealand.
1997 Letter of 20 July to Susan Maneck.
Watler, Miguel
Wuthnow, Robert
Despite the large literature on American religious bodies,
some groups remain curiously off-limits to careful
investigation. In many instances, these largely unstudied
contemporary faiths carefully cultivate public images
that hide important facets of their outlook and internal
workings. Thus, the collapse of Bhagwan Shree Rajneeshs
Oregon commune surprised many observers. Some of these
groups have developed control mechanisms that discourage
adherents and often even apostates from writing about
these workings. Scientology, for instance, employs
techniques of harassment against critics. Others
employ shunning which can be an extremely powerful
deterrent, endangering a lifetime of friendships and
even family relationships. The problem with strict
internal controls for missionary religions, however,
is that they are most often incompatible in Western
societies with significant growth. One solution to
this difficulty is to attempt to control what are thought
of as key pressure pointsvocal intellectuals, media,
prominent institutionsand to give greater leeway to
ordinary believers. This solution has the further
advantage of making charges of repression less plausible
to the rank and file, who have not personally experienced
such constraints.
the International
Teaching Centre has asked me--with the knowledge of
the Universal House of Justice--to warn you that your
promulgation of views contrary to the Teachings was
damaging to the Cause. If you were to resume in any
fashion this course of action, the effect would be
to bring you into direct conflict with the Covenant
(Birkland 1996).
1909-1916 Tablets of Abdul Baha Abbas. Chicago:
Bahai Publishing Society. 3 vols.
1992 Eternal Success. Diary of a National Baha'i
Committee Chairman, 1982.
1992 "Civil Disobedience and Partisan Politics," Soc.Religion.Bahai,
May 18.
1976 New Religious Consciousness and the Crisis of
Modernity, in R. Bellah and C. Glock, eds., The
New Religious Consciousness. Berkeley: University
of California Press, pp. 333-352.
1996 Letter of 16 July to a Bahai academic.
Available on the World Wide Web at: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/bahai/bhcouns.htm
1992 "A History of the Sacramento Bahai Community,
1912-1987," in Hollinger,
Community Histories (see below), pp. 241-280.
1992 "Iranian Millenarianism and Democratic Thought
in the Nineteenth Century Middle East," International
Journal of Middle East Studies 24:1-26.
Available on the World Wide Web at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/bhconst.htm
1991 The Cult Experience. Springfield, Ill.:
Charles C. Thomas, Publisher.
1987 A Modest Proposal. Unpublished typescript
1992 New Jerusalems. London: Grafton.
1979 Discipline and Punish. New York: Vintage.
1979 The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of
the New Class. New York: Seabury Press.
1993 Masks of the sacred : religious
pluralism in South Carolina in Charles H. Lippy, ed.,
Religion in South Carolina. Columbia, S.C:
University of South Carolina Press.
1996 Re: Discussing Theocracy. Soc. Religion.Bahai.
1 April.
1992 Community Histories: Studies in the Babi and
Bahai Religions Volume 6, Los Angeles: Kalimat
1993 Anatomy of Anti-Liberalism. Cambridge,
MA.: Harvard University Press.
1983 Lights of Guidance. New Delhi: Bahai
Publishing Trust.
1997 Bahai Leaders vexed by On-Line Critics. Gnosis,
no. 42 (Winter):9-10.
Also at http://bahai-library.org/newspapers/gnosis.talisman.html
1992 Sources for Early Babi Doctrine and History:
A Survey. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
1979 "Membership Statistics for 1978."
Available at http://h-net2.msu.edu/~bahai/docs/vol2/usstats1.htm
1969 The World Order of Bahaullah. Wilmette,
Ill.: Bahai Publishing Trust.
1993 A Few Reminiscences of Shoghi Effendi. In
Association for Bahai Studies, The Vision of Shoghi
Effendi. Ottawa: ABS, pp. 165-177.
1997 Critics Chafe at Bahai Conservatism. Religious
News Service, 28 Feb.
Available at http://bahai-library.org/newspapers/chafe.html
1997 Dialogue Thread on SRB, 10 February. Soc.Religion.Bahai
Archive. http://www.BCCA.Org/services/srb/archive/970101-970228/0992.html
1995 In the Name of All thats Holy: A Theory of
Clergy Malfeasance. Westport,
CT: Praeger.
1992-1997 Available on the World Wide Web at
http://www.BCCA.Org/services/srb/archive/. (Searchable
on Excite.)
1982 "Millennialism in the Bahai Faith." In Willis,
ed., Millennialism and Charisma (see
1989 The Bahai Faith, 1957-1988. Religion
1985 The Future of Religion. Berkeley: University
of California Press.
1985-1995 The Bahai Faith in America. 2 vols.
Wilmette, Ill.:Bahai Publishing Trust; Oxford: George
1994-1996 Available at http://www-personal.umich.edu/~jrcole/talisman.htm
1996 The Origins of the Bahai Community of Canada,
1898-1948. Waterloo:
Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
1970 Wellspring of Guidance. Wilmette, Ill.:
Bahai Publishing Trust.
1988 Letter of 18 December on "Individual Rights and
1996 Re: Discussing Theocracy. Soc.Religion.Bahai.
5 April.
1976 The Consciousness Reformation. Berkeley:
University of California Press.
+ Juan R. I. Cole is Professor of
History at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
48109-1003. He can be contacted by email at jrcole@umich.edu.
Note: This file contains the original diskette of the paper, and does not reflect copy-editing and other late authorial and editorial changes in the published article, to which it is therefore not quite identical. - JRIC