TRIP LINKS for Berlin '06 Explore Berlin via this Berlin Map

This page will provide information we wish to share about Berlin.

Theaters in Berlin. Below are links to theater and dance events so that you can explore what is going on in May (some don't have their May schedule posted yet, but you can expect it before mid-March). FYI last minute rush tickets for students are very cheap 6-7 Euro, usually, and they'll give you the best remaining ticket in the house (so possibly worth much more!) Please note, I'm giving you my own impressions about these theaters. You may or may not agree (the beauty of it!). They are all worth visiting and they are all ever-changing, depending on who the Hausintendant is and who the directors are.

This takes you to links to all major theaters in Germany:

Theatertreffen Berlin is the site for the Berlin Theater Festival (performances daily in May) This is one of the most prestigious juried theater festivals in Europe. The top 11 performances have been invited (from all German-language theaters). You need to tell me if there is one you really want to see. I'll need to have someone there get tickets and they go almost instantaneously, once they are officially for sale.
Janet's favorite theaters / theaters with my favorite directors:

Hebbel-Theater (HAU 1, 2, 3) Check out all three theaters. Some of the best theater in Berlin now--also interesting work with video walks (integrating the audience into the video). Some excellent experimental theater and performance (music, film, multi-media).

Deutsches Theater One of the most respected theaters in Berlin--right near the Berliner Ensemble. The repertoire up until recently was classical (and sometimes the performance is a bit "too traditional" (read: unimaginative) for my taste, but always decent performances. In the last couple of years, they have begun doing the most inspired performances, though, including in their black box theater.

Maxim Gorki Theater (check out the various stages, including the Studio) ("Der Kick" is a performance in an old brewery or factory near where we are staying. It is about some kids in East Germany who terrorized and eventually killed a classmate (based on a true story). It is a two person show--they play all the people in the murderers' and victim's life--outstanding performance. This was selected for the Theater festival--definitely worth seeing in the factory, though.)

Berliner Ensemble (Brecht's theater) This is a theater you all should visit, though their performance style is now sometimes a little outdated (for my taste). The program is worth buying because it contains the entire script!

Die Schaubühne am Lehniner Platz. In recent years shows here have been a mixed bag, though it is still always worth going to. I've loved some of the simple sets here and they do a great job with plays performed in translation (esp. Sarah Kane).

Die Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburgplatz (click on the stages in left column or you need to hear the annoying music for a long time. . .). Another historic theater worth visiting. Some of the plays are very long (Berlin Alexanderplatz is almost 5 hours long.).

Maxim Gorki Theater (check out the various stages, including the Studio) ("Der Kick" is a performance in an old brewery or factory near where we are staying. It is about some kids in East Germany who terrorized and eventually killed a classmate (based on a true story). It is a two person show--they play all the people in the murderers' and victim's life--outstanding performance. This was selected for the Theater festival--definitely worth seeing in the factory, though.)

GRIPS Theater- one of the most famous "progressive" children's theaters in the world. Always about social causes. Also very easy to follow for those less advanced in German. I can recommend many of the plays. I can probably get you in very cheaply to this theater if I correspond with their pedagogy liaison in advance.