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Engaging in Intercultural Dialogue. . .
- Participants will interact with German and foreign exchange students in Munich in a workshop designed to explore intercultural dialogue. This workshop will be led by faculty from the Dept. of Intercultural Communication at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
- The project will feature one-day excursions to a Rudolf Steiner school (in a nearby village) and possibly to an international school where U-M students will interact with German children.
- Participants may interview Germans about issues of identity, past and present.
- Participants will discover and help develop materials related to intercultural communication for program use in the Residential College and LSA.
- Participants will be invited to participate in school outreach efforts to Middle Schools and High Schools through the U-M Center for European Studies, working in cooperation with the Residential College German Program (Fall 2004);
- Participants will have an opportunity to share their intercultural learning experience through a theater workshop for area high school students (Fall 2004)