Welcome to the funkelnagelneue Web Site for (and we hope eventually by) RC German and RC Deutsches Theater Alumni
Hallo, Alle! Over the years, I have had contact with many former RC German students, with former RC German faculty, and with RC Deutsches Theater alumni, including people visiting Ann Arbor. We love to hear from you!! Contact us and let us know where you are, what and how you are doing and of course, how your RC German experience paid off for you!. What would you like to see on this site?This page will eventually include photos (yours and ours, we hope) from the program, updates for alumni, and ways for you to stay part of the ever-growing RC German family. -- Janet Hegman Shier Did somebody say: "RC German and RC Deutsches Theater reunion?" (Ja! Oct. 18-21, 2007) Please register for the upcoming RC 40th reunion, which promises to be great! When you register, be sure to name others from RC German, whom you hope to see, including faculty. You can contact the reunion planner, Craig Regester directly if you have ideas for the planning committee or to let him know you are coming. Craig's email is regester-at-umich.edu. Some highlights: • We're working on organizing and digitizing some short video clips where you can catch a glimpse of your younger self performing auf Deutsch! Heck, pull up a chair and watch a series of entire performances, if you wish. • We're collecting pictures you have from your days in the program, from RC German retreats, Deutsches Theater, or study abroad. Take a moment and send some in! • We want to make it easy for you to connect with DT classmates--the ones you never wanted to forget! Send us a paragraph about yourself and let us know if we can add an update on you to our web site. Of course, we'll have some RC Deutsches Theater gatherings and celebration at the Reunion. There has even been talk about having an intergenerational workshop. Be a part of it all, or at least a part of part of it! (If you can't make it to the reunion, send us an update on yourself, anyway!) RC German recent news If you haven't done so already, please check the RC German Homepage (www.umich.edu/~jshie) which contains links to all projects. For an update on our most recent projects, a good place to start is here. RC Deutsches Theater 2007 (March 30-April 1) We are dedicating the RC Deutsches Theater 2007 show to over 300 RC Dt. Theater alumni without whose efforts and experimentation we would not exist today. There will be a photo exhibition and slide show of past performances to honor you. Please send us your memories or come and share them in person. We’d love to hear from you. Visit the RC Deutsches Theater home page. RC German Fundraising and Friendraising As you may know, German is not the first-choice language in the US for foreign language study. This means that we try harder when it comes to recruiting. You can help us out by spreading the word about the program, by helping to sponsor an RC Deutsches Theater project, or by sending a contribution (no contribution is too small or too large) that can help support a student on an RC German program trip to Germany. Our program is dedicated to helping students get proficient in German, to helping students manage their intensive language study and succeed in their careers at Michigan and beyond, and we are committed to having the best program we can possibly have. In recent years, we have excelled, especially at raising awareness of current issues in Germany and at getting our students overseas for meaningful projects and study abroad. If you would like to support any of the efforts of RC Dt. Theater, or if you have any questions, please contact Janet Hegman Shier. You can make a big difference in the life of our current program by contacting us. And special thanks to those of you who have provided generous support (including housing for our artists in residence!) and funding for the program in recent years. DANKE! RC German in the German Press! RC German made the news in Germany! Click here for an article from the Süddeutsche Zeitung about the recent visit of our Artists-in-Residence. Special thanks to local RC Alumni who attended the events of Element 3 and who hosted them at your homes for their 8 day visit! We hope you have some fond memories. RC Dt. Theater next performances | photos | theater trips | news | RC German | Archive contact us: jshie-at-umich.edu |