on "diaspora". . .g
good reads. . .
N.B. This collection of quotes was begun on Jan. 14, 2006. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of these quotes, though we believe them to be accurate.

(The above web site has many links to articles and web sites related to diasporas.)

"Wild and Wooly Sects. The dangerous allure of "Diaspora chic" (NYT, 1997) by Eric Liu

"Diaspora is the presence of the other, and there is a growing movement toward a future without Diaspora, without others. Therefore catastrophe is also an engine behind the Diaspora. Holocaust and genocied are the result of a longing for a utoipia without “others”. The memory of Holocaust and genocide--Diaspora or cosmopolitan memory--prevents “others” from disappearing. Quite the contrary: Diaspora builds an overarching national memory.
Diaspora offers an alternative to territorialism and nationalism. It produces feelings of belonging, of connection to groups and places beyond the nation-state. . .
. . . . But one should not confuse Jewish and Israeli experiences. The latter defines itself almost as a counterpart to Diaspora. “Denial of Diaspora” was a cultural foundation for the establishment of Israel. “ Daniel Levy