Karthik Ganapathy

This website is no longer maintained as I have moved to UCSD for a postdoctoral position. Click here for my current website.


  1. "Non-noetherian GL-algebras in characteristic two". arXiv version:2408.04630
  2. "Resolutions of symmetric ideals via stratifications of derived categories". Submitted. arXiv version:2407.16071
  3. "GL-algebras in positive characteristic II: The polynomial ring". Submitted. arXiv version:2407.13604
  4. "GL-algebras in positive characteristic I: The exterior algebra". Selecta Math. (N.S.) 30(2024), no.4, Paper No. 63. arXiv version:2203.03693
  5. "Stillman's question for twisted commutative algebras". J. Commut. Algebra, 14(3) 315-318 Fall 2022. arXiv version:2007.03038

Recent/upcoming talks


At San Diego: At Michigan:


email: karthg @ umich . edu
office: AP&M 1230
address: 9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0112