Press Mentions

2024    Core Conversations Podcast, CoreLogic. What drives public perception of climate migration?

2024    Bloomberg. Filmmaker tells stories of climate migrants through animation.

2024    North American Association for Environmental Education eePRO Blog. Resolving tensions in climate change education.

2024    Michigan Radio. UM study examines link between concern over climate change and stories of climate migrants.

2023    Associated Press. Swaths of the US are living through a brutal summer. It’s a climate wake-up call for many.

2023    Grist. What happens when you read an article about climate migration?

2021    Phys.org. Private sector action may be linchpin to conservative support on climate change.

2021    Michigan Daily. DTE Energy chairman talks changing public perception of energy industry.

2020    Michigan Minds Podcast. Exploring belief superiority around climate change and environmental behaviors.

2020    Capital Gazette. Scott Smith: Elections can bring out the best and the worst in us!

2020    Michigan Daily. Let’s talk: why we need to have hard conversations.

2020    Society for Behavioral Medicine Twitter Chat. Climate Change and Health.

2020    American Psychological Association Monitor. A global focus on climate change

2019    Nature Sustainability. How can people save the planet?

2018    Foreign Policy. The hazard of environmental morality

2018    Capital Gazette. Scott Smith: Elections bring out a plethora of psychological distortions

2018    Vox Magazine. Straws are just one drop in a very polluted ocean

2018    Daily Mail Annoying 'know-it-alls' who are convinced they are always right really ARE less informed about the world than their peers, confirm scientists

2018    The British Psychological Society Research Digest Blog People who think their opinions are superior to others are most prove to overestimating their relevant knowledge and ignoring chances to learn more.

2018    Tech Times. Science says know-it-all people only exaggerate their ‘superior’ political knowledge.

2018    Business Standard. Smug know-it-all people overestimate their knowledge.

2018    Scientific American. Federal government’s silence on climate could stymie disaster planning.

2017    Well Don't Tell the Kids podcast. Episode 27: Dr. Kaitlin Raimi.

2017    Spectrum News. Capital Tonight Interview: The Psychology of political beliefs

2017    Psychology Today. Belief superiority and political discord.

2017    Psychology Today. Intellectual humility augments nonpartisan open-mindedness.

2017    The Conversation. Communicating climate change: Focus on the framing, not just the facts.  

2016    Capital Gazette. Psychology: It's not worth losing friends over politics.

2016    Washington Post. The surprising thing that happened after these Democrats recycled a water bottle.

2014    Washington Post, Wonkblog. Why is it hard to get anywhere on fracking? Because people are too full of themselves.

2013    Politico. Toner, K. & Leary, M. R.  Superiority complex.

2013    Time. Science asks: Who’s more pig-headed, Dems or Republicans?

2013    CNN.  Debt ceiling debate: Preaching to the choir

2013    Washington Post, She the People blog. ‘Belief superiority’: A reason for the political impasse?

2013    Huffington Post. So damn superior: Parsing partisan politics.        

2013    Discovery News. Washington standoff: Why it’s stuck.

2013    Air Talk. KPCC Southern California Public Radio (NPR Affiliate). New psychology research finds extreme ideologues feel superior in political beliefs.


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