Old Stuff
The following links are for deep-water waves of wavelength 10 meters and surface amplitude (vertical=horizontal) 0.5 meters.Click here to read brief description of wave simulation.
Click here to see raw tex file of brief description above.
Click here to see figure 1.
Click here to see figure 2.
Click here to see fortran program used to simulate deep-water waves.
New Stuff
Click here to see magnification of original crest for t/T = 0.00, 0.05 and 0.10.
Click here to see magnification of original crest for t/T = 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25.
More New Stuff
The following links are for shallow-water waves of wavelength 10 meters, vertical surface amplitude 0.5 meter (which is no longer the same as a surface particle's horizontal amplitude), and a channel depth of 3.0 meters. Note that the vertical scale is greatly exaggerated in the figures.
Click here to see t/T = 0.00 and 0.25.
Click here to see t/T = 0.50 and 0.75.
Click here to see fortran program used to simulate shallow-water waves.
Still More New Stuff
The following links are for "standing waves" created by an obstacle (in this case, a cosine-bump) at the bottom of a trough in which water is flowing steadily from left to right at velocity V. Downstream waves are due to gravity, upstream waves to surface tension.
Formulas used are taken from Lighthill Chapter 3. For some cases, the parameters used violate Lighthill's conditions for linear solutions. So the plots shouldn't be taken too seriously. They merely indicate the qualitative growth of wave amplitude as stream velocity approaches the critical value and the bump dimensions approach those of resonance.
Following are two sets of three plots. The sets correspond to nominal water depths of 1 and 2 feet, respectively. In each case, the bump height is set to 20% of water depth. Within each set are shown results for bump lengths of 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 feet.
Set 1: Depth = 1.0 feet
Set 2: Depth = 2.0 feet
Click here to see fortran program used to simulate the standing waves.