I can also Skype or Gchat with a 720p HD webcam. If you would like to interview me, the easiest way to reach me is via e-mail (kruger -at- umich -dot- edu), as I am often out of the office. I will be glad to answer questions about my studies and these areas of research in general.
My research has been covered by the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Chicago Tribune, U.S. News & World Report, Forbes, Globe and Mail, Daily Mail, Der Spiegel, Miller-McCune, Christian Science Monitor, USA Today, Yahoo! News, Scientific American, New Scientist, Psychology Today, Reason, Men's Health, Cosmopolitan, BBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX News, UPI, and other media outlets. I have been filmed for multiple scientific and historical documentaries. This personal homepage has received nearly two million unique hits since October 2001.