Outside the shrine.
Inside the shrine.
Nara is also famous for the many deer which roam freely in the park and temple area.
More lanterns.
Tori supporting a roof.
A deer in front of the Todai-ji gate. I may have been walking in the footsteps of my father, who was
here 40 years earlier.
Todai-ji temple, home of the Great Buddha of Nara. It is said to be the largest wooden structure in the world.
These were the most impressive buildings I saw on my trip, I am glad that I
saved them until the end.
The Buddha himself.
Legend has it that if you can crawl through this tunnel in the pillar, you are sure to reach enlightenment. Lots of little
kids went through, but I got stuck. I guess I will just have to reach enlightenment some other way than crawling through a hole in a pole.
The deer ate my homework. Many big tourist sights are filled with crowds of school kids, some of them assigned to practice their
English skills with visiting tourists. I was able to grab the papers out of the deer's mouth and received a big ovation from the school group.