Felix Lopez, Junior, History Major, Chinese Minor
A cold day in New York City

Alexandria Stankovich, Senior '10, Architecture
I met my boyfriend the first day of our junior year, our first year in TCAUP, when we ended up as partners for our Construction project. I was annoyed by him and apparently he was intimidated, but after countless hours together on North Campus I guess things changed. We started dating some time around the holidays so this picture is us after a couple months together... March 2009 the Architecture Beaux Arts Ball sponsored by AIAS: A majority of our peers had left or were waiting for cabs outside; I had just put my jacket on and was about to do the same, but the music was still going and I guess the boy just wasn't ready to leave the dance floor. So, we ended up having a dance off in front of a handful of lingering archies and apparently it was pretty entertaining... it's most unfortunate so many people missed out!

Jubilee Olah, Junior, English and Communications
My roommate and I were watching a Harry Potter marathon and the first time Harry came on screen my cat Stella rushed over to watch. She sat there for the entire two hours, left when we took a snack break and then came back for the second one. I'm not sure what fascinated her so much about those movies but I was never able to get her to watch movies with me uless it was Harry Potter.

Meredith Dennis, Junior, Program in the Environment
Hitch-hiking in Mexico: the only way to travel.

Meredith Dennis, Junior, Program in the Environment
Cheating in a corn maze.

Samah Choudhury, Senior, Political Science and Middle Eastern & North African Studies
Cairo, Egypt

Sophie Colley, Junior, History
This was a memorable evening when I fell backwards into a bush on my university campus back home (University of Sussex) and my friend took a picture to document the moment.

Sarah Osman, Junior, English and Communications
A summer spent in Alaska traveling down the Alaska railroad

Emanuel Alvarez, 5th year Senior, Oceanography and Pre-Dental
The three musketeers

Meredith Dennis, Junior, Program in the Environment
On the way up: the highest peak in Texas.

Odila Garcia, Sophomore, Women Studies
My picture was taken when I was building a tower of success, as you can see in my face and those around me we are thrilled to have the tallest tower. In this exercise a group of 5 had to compete with other groups to make the tallest tower out of al the resources in the room. The tower of success showed us that those who have the most resources are most likely to achieve in life, in other words we had the most resources using trash cans and boxes to make the tallest tower. It was such a great comparison to life because often people who do not fulfill their full potential need more resources to reach their full potential, as one can see in my face I used teamwork and resources to accomplish the goal.

LEAD Magazine
Polariod Contest
Febuary, 2010

All images property of Lead Magazine.
CSS Gallery courtesy Dynamic Drive.