Pediatrics Links
WWW sites
- Pedinfo server
A Pediatric Informatics Webpage
Dedicated to the dissemination of on-line information for pediatricians and others interested in child health, including a great deal of subspecialty, departmental, disease-specific, and health-education information. Contact:
- Medical Matrix: Pediatrics
, a list of pediatric web sites and mailing lists
- Points of Pediatric Interest (from Marshall University)
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Board of Pediatrics
- Pediatric Database: list of diseases, summaries
- Hardin Meta Directory - Pediatrics
- Pediatric Bulletin Bimonthly reviews of current trends in the practice of Pediatrics.
- Neonatology on the Web - a resource for clinicians in neonatal/perinatal medicine. Includes a survey of computer applications for the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) over the years, samples of NICU applications from our own institution, and a variety of on-line references and teaching files.
- Neonatology teaching file Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Lots of topic-based information, including on neonatal neurology topics
- Neonatology Internet Resources A list of neonatal/perinatal clinical resources and neonatology department or division Web pages. Cedars-Sinai.
- Neonatal/Perinatal Medications for Neonates Medications by Brand and Generic Name. Cedars-Sinai.
- Neonatology New Documents Cedars-Sinai.
- University of Arizona Pediatric Critical Care WWW
This page promotes clinical practice, research, and educational opportunities in Pediatric Critical Care.
- The Virtual Children's Hospital, from the University of Iowa
Presents fact sheets for subdisciplines and diseases in Pediatrics. Topics include Pediatric Nutrition, Acute Illnesses and Emergencies, Genetic and Metabolic Disorders, Allergy and Immunology, Gastroenterology, Cardiology, etc. Searchable.
- Rare Genetic Diseases in Children: an Internet Resource Guide from NYU
; see in particular their list of disease-specific homepages under Resource Directory/HomePages
Presents obstetric and gynecologic ultrasound images. Contains interpretation and management of conditions of pregnancy, fetal anatomies, and abnormal placenta.
- Radiology Cases In Pediatric Emergency Medicine Case list by presenting condition. Annotated with images. Air Force.
- Medconnect's Pediatric News at the Desktop An interactive journal club. Reviews of current journals in Emergency Medicine, Pediatrics, and Primary Care are presented by distinguished educators. Users engage in a web based discussion group with the authors.
- Pediatric Radiology Teaching Files at the Virtual Hospital
- Pediatric Critical Care Rare Case Registry Brief reports of interesting or strange patient presentations from the Pediatric ICU discussion list.
- Hypertextbook of Pediatric Critical Care Dynamic links that allow readers to access up-to-date lectures, literature reviews, and case discussions.
- Pediatric Critical Care Home Page A homepage that presents meetings, announcements, a hypertext book, and a rare case registry.
- Pediatric Therapeutics Newsletter at Virginia A monthly review for health care professionals.
- Pediatrician's Software Grab Bag Shareware programs for health care providers.
- Pediatric Patient Education Material by Disease Hundreds of documents in a tabular format. Johns Hopkins University
- Pediatrics Residency Programs on the Web, developed by Mike Woo-Ming, M.D.
- Hypermed Textbook of Pediatrics Hyperlinked database of web pages that covers common diseases and
diagnostic steps and therapy. Careful authoring provides intuitive
and quick knowledge integration. Fee registration. Free sample.
- Prenatal Diagnosis Tutorial
Covers ultrasonography, amniocentesis, maternal blood sampling and testing for AFP in the diagnosis of diseases of the unborn fetus. University of Utah's WebPath server.
- DEVELOPMENT AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS mailing list from the University of South Florida. Created for, and limited to, professionals interested in having peer level discussions.
Subscription address:
Subscription message: subscribe dbp username@hostname.domain
- EMS-C Emergency Medical Services for Children
Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: subscribe ems-c your_name
This mailing list is a clearinghouse for pediatric emergency care related information. Members of the National EMSC Resource Alliance (NERA) are active participants.
- PEDIATRIC-PAIN Pain in children topics
Subscription Address :
Subscription message: SUB PEDIATRIC-PAIN <your name>
This is an international forum for discussion of any topic related to pain in children. Appropriate subjects might include: clinical problems or questions, research problems or proposals, announcements of meetings, book reviews, and political or administrative aspects of children's pain management and prevention. Contact: G. Allen Finley, MD, FRCPC
- PED-EM-L Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Subscription Address: listserv@brownVM.Brown.EDU
Subscription Message: subscribe ped-em-l firstname lastname
PED-EM-L is an international Internet forum for Pediatric Emergency Medicine. The list is unmoderated and open to those with an interest or expertise in Pediatric Emergency Medicine. Appropriate subjects for discussion might include: clinical problems and questions, research ideas, methods or problems, announcements of meetings, book reviews/software, recent journal articles, employment or fellowship opportunities, political or administrative issues. Contact: Dale Steele, M.D., Dale_Steele@brown.EDU
- PICU Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Subscription Address:
Subscription message: subscribe picu Firstname Lastname
Contact: Carl G.M. Weigle, M.D.,
- PCCSG Pediatric Critical Care Study Group
Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: subscribe pccsg your name
Contact: -
PEDPATH Pediatric Pathology
Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: Subscribe PEDPATH your name - PEDIATRIC SURGERY Mail List
Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: Subscribe PEDSURG-L
Topics include clinical cases, operations, techniques, research,
career opportunities, and meetings. Intended for pediatric surgeons
and interested general surgeons and residents.
Contact: Thomas V.
Whalen, Professor, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
METAB-L Inborn Errors of Metabolism Professionals
Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: subscribe metab-l email-address
Discussion of topics related to Inborn Errors of Metabolism.
Physicians, biochemists and scientists only, Contact: Dr. Christian Renner,
- POISON NET Poison Control Mail List
Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: Subscribe poison-net your name
Problem solving and networking in the areas of poisoning, poison control, hazardous materials management and related areas. Primarily for health care professionals and poison control centers. Contact: Steve Tharratt, M.D. Univ. of Cal., Davis Regional Poison Control
TOXLIST Toxicology Discussions
Subscription Address:
Subscription Message: SUB ToxList firstname lastname
Toxicology discussions such as drug, pesticide or hazardous waste toxicology, risk assessment and management, analytical toxicology, immunotoxicology and the study of the effects of toxins on man and the enivironment. Contact: Geoff Rule,
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For questions or comments, contact
Steven Leber, M.D., Ph.D. or
Kenneth Mack, M.D., Ph.D.
Last updated 7-July-1997 by