Genetic causes of pediatric brain diseases, including primary microcephaly, hereditary spastic paraparesis, cerebellar vermis hypoplasia, Joubert syndrome, and recessive mental retardation
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The Gleeson lab is seeking patients in order to find the genetic causes underlying these conditions. We are interested in identifying new genes involved in the development of the brain, and we then carry out research to further understand the functional role of these genes during development. If you and your family wish to participate, please visit our website, or kindly contact our clinical study coordinator. Additionally, if you are located near the San Diego area, we can arrange a blood draw at Rady Children's Hospital free of charge. The study has IRB approval.
Adrienne Collazo, M.A.
Kiley Hill, M.A.
Clinical Study Coordinators
Gleeson Lab
Office: 858-822-3786
Lab: 858-822-3538
Fax: 858-246-0436
University of California, San Diego
Department of Neuroscience
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
9500 Gilman Drive, M/C 0665
LBR, Rm 481
La Jolla, CA 92093-0665
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Last revised 17-Nov-2010 by Steven Leber