Wolfgang Lorenzon Wolfgang Lorenzon
Office: 357 W Hall
Phone: (734) 647-6825
FAX: (734) 936-6529
Labs: 3265 PRL / 1208 PRL
E-Mail: lorenzon@umich.edu
Secretary: (734) 615-5811 (Beth Demkowski)
Home    Research    Teaching    CV
Title: Professor of Physics

Research in the Lorenzon group is focused on three areas:

  • Dark Matter as part of the LZ project to study the nature of Dark Matter at the SURF facility in South Dakota.
  • Proton Size measurement as part of the MUSE collaboration at PSI, Switzerland
  • Hadronic Physics with the SpinQuest Drell-Yan collaboration at Fermilab
Group Members:
  • Richard Raymond, Assistant Research Scientist Emeritus, Ph.D. (734-615-4730)
  • Ievgen Lavrukhin, Postdoc
  • Gregory Rischbieter, Postdoc
  • Haley Reid, Postdoc
  • Matthew Nicol, Postdoc
  • SkyShi, Graduate Student
  • Samara Steinfeld, Under-Graduate Student
  • Alexandra Kucich, Under-Graduate Student
  • Ruide Xu, Under-Graduate Student
  • Andrew Kiesling, Under-Graduate Student
  • Andrew Yan, Under-Graduate Student 
Recent Graduates:
  • Noah Wuerfel , Ph.D. July 2023
  • Chami Amarasinghe, Ph.D. July 2023
  • Maris Arthurs, Ph.D. July 2022
  • Marshall Scott, Ph.D. August 2020
  • Daniel Morton, Ph.D. August 2019

Last update: July 15, 2024, Comments to Wolfgang Lorenzon

Research funding is provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant 2110229, the Department of Energy under Grant SC0019193 and (through LBNL) under Subcontract 734299, and the University of Michigan
