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MAR 2001 Contents
(l.gif (130 bytes) = Primarily Local Interest)

C o v e r   S t o r i e s

The Failed Test
The Right To Return
        by Israel Shamir

Weapons Against Myths
        Sara Flounders interviewed by Aaron Stark

Israel & US: Space Invaders
        by Thom Saffold

"Throwing Stones"
by Najd Duwaik, age 8
(see cover)

S p e c i a l   F e a t u r e s

Grutter v. Bollinger: UM Law School�s Affirmative Action On Trial
        Court Testimony

               by Erika Dowdell
        Closing Argument
               by Miranda Massie

        Zine-within-a-Zine ed. by Joe Sexauer

C u l t u r e

l.gif (130 bytes)Nothing Could Be Finer Than to Eat in a Diner
        Local Flavor by Stef

In The Mood For Love
        Movies by Jim Pyke

Sharon Shannon & Alison Brown
        Music by William Shea

l.gif (130 bytes)Ann Arbor Film Fest 2001
        by arwulf arwulf

Signed Elements Individual Authors
Unsigned Elements Agenda Publications, LLC