Zoom in on cover (144 Kb .jpg)

COVER IMAGE: background photo of galaxies from Hubble telescope 4/02;
Yoda & text © LucasFilm;
can & neon ©
Coors Brewing.

MAY/JUN 2002 Contents
(l.gif (130 bytes) = Primarily Local Interest)


C o v e r   S t o r i e s

What Star Wars Teaches
        by Michelle Kinnucan

Dark Side of Star Wars
        by Bob Harris

        by Ewok Lormand

S p e c i a l   F e a t u r e s

Buy a Coors, Fund Attacks on Civil Rights
        by David Rosenberg;
        responses from Coors and from l.gif (130 bytes)Ann Arbor's \aut\ BAR;
        reply by David Rosenberg

Dispatches from the Front:
 News of the Int'l Nonviolent Resistance to Israel's Occupation of  Palestine
        compiled by Thom Saffold

P e o p l e ’ s   V o i c e

l.gif (130 bytes)on Ehrenreich, Health, Washington Marches, etc.
by People’s Progressive Network

C u l t u r e

The Inner Ear
        by John R. Velner

Panic Room
        Movies by Jim Pyke

Radio Free Dixie
        by Phillis Engelbert

l.gif (130 bytes)Big Ten Party Store
Local Flavor by Stef

Shostakovich String Quartets: Poetic Responses
by arwulf arwulf

Signed Elements © Individual Authors
Unsigned Elements © Agenda Publications, LLC