Swift Long-Term Lightcurve

The X-ray flaring properties of Sgr A* during six years of monitoring with Swift: Degenaar et al., (2013).

Sgr A* Swift lightcurve

Sgr A* lightcurve in the 0.3 - 10.0 keV band as measured from 2006 - 2012. A source extraction region of radius 10'', centred on the radio position is utilized, no background has been subtracted. The dashed line represents the mean count rate (0.011 ct/s), while the dotted line represents the 3σ excursion from this.

Additional Lightcurve Related Plots

Below, we plot lightcurves obtained using slightly different methods to that on the previous page. These may be used to confirm/maintain the sanity of the end user!

This page is under construction at the current time, and further plots will be added as necessary.

Swift XRT Latest Lightcurve: 24/09/09 @ 00:05:51

Sgr A* Swift lightcurve Sgr A* Swift lightcurve

Left: Sgr A* lightcurve in the 0.3 - 10.0 keV band. A source extraction region of radius 10'', centred on the radio position is utilized. Background is extracted from an annulus with inner/outer radii of 20''/50''. The dashed line represents the mean count rate measured from 2006-2011 (0.011 ct/s), while the dotted line represents the 3σ excursion from this, see Degenaar et al. (2013) for further details.

Right: Sgr A* lightcurve in the 2 - 10 keV band. The count rate (red) and background (green) have been calculated by wavdetect. Sgr A* is 'detected' only if a point like src is detected by wavdetect within 18'' of the known radio position.

Sgr A* Swift lightcurve Sgr A* Swift lightcurve

Left: Spectral index evolution for the counts extracted in a 10'' region centred on Sgr A*, when fit with a simple powerlaw model assuming a fixed clumn density of 9.1e22 cm^-2 (c.f. Degenaar et al. 2013). The red line denotes the index obtained from the background subtracted spectrum and the green line represents the spectral index when no background subtraction takes place.

Right: Absorbed flux in the 2 - 10 keV band, when the spectrum is fit with the corresponding best fit powerlaw plotted on the left. The dashed line indicates the long term quiescent flux from the Sgr A* region as measured by Swift in the 2003-2011 timeframe (Degenaar et al. 2013).

Swift XRT Lightcurves & spectra

Lightcurves and spectra for each observation are plotted below.

Lightcurves are extracted in the 0.3 - 10 keV band and binned to 50s. Counts have been extracted from a 10'' radius aperture centred on Sgr A*. No background has been subtracted.

Spectra are extracted from a 10'' radius aperture centred on the radio position of Sgr A*, with a background subtracted from an annulus extending 20'' - 50'' form Sgr A*. The spectra are fit with a simple powerlaw model assuming a constant column density (9.1e22 cm^-2) and have been rebinned for display purposes ('setplot rebin 3 200' in xspec).


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