PPT Slide
- D/H (3.3 � 0.8) x 10-4 HDO/H2O (Meier et al. 1998a)
- D/H (2.3 � 0.4) x 10 -3 DCN/HCN (Meier et al. 1998b) => Consistent with Hyakutake and Halley
- Formation temperature of the solar system�s interstellar cloud = 30 � 10 K.
- Temperature for typical interstellar grain formation = 10-15 K.
- The temperature of the Uranus-Neptune region where long period comets originate = (50 � 20K). Jewitt et al. (1997) => imply comets of SS origin (not ISM) Hale-Bopp Earth ISM
- H12CN/H13CN 111 � 12 89 77 � 7
- HC14N/HC15N 323 � 46 272.2 450 � 100
- C32S/C34S 27 � 3 22.6 32 � 5