PPT Slide
- Observed Na = 1-3% of total Na (Solar Na/O = 2.7 x 10-3 ) (Cremonese et al., Rauer et al., Brown et al.) Same level as in Halley (Combi et al. 1997)
- Like Na at Io, Mercury, Europa, and the Moon the large oscillator strength makes Na very bright => large radiation pressure acceleration & strong heliocentric velocity variation, solar Fraunhofer lines => spectacular Na tail in Hale-Bopp
- Na production from dust, out in the tail (Fitzsimmons et al. 1997, Wilson et al. 1998) & at < 105 km in the coma (Brown et al., Rauer et al., Arpigny et al.)
“Much Ado About Nothing ... (well, very little anyway)"