Michael R. Combi
Dr. Combi received a B.S. degree
in Physics from Manhattan College
(1973), and a M.S. degree in Physics and Astronomy (1976) and a Ph.D. degree
in Physics (1979) from the University
of Toledo. His research interests include theoretical modeling, observations,
and data analysis of the distribution, kinetics, and dynamics of gas, dust,
and plasma in the atmospheres (or comae) of comets and in the escaping upper
atmospheres of planetary satellites and planets, and their interactions
with the solar wind and planetary magnetospheres. Dr. Combi is a Research
Professor and Distinguished Research Scientist
in the Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences. He
joined the faculty at the University of
Michigan in 1989 as an Associate Research Scientist. Prior to that
time he was a Senior Staff
Scientist at Atmospheric and Environmental
Research, Inc., in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Please send your questions
and/or comments to mcombi@umich.edu.
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