Michael R. Combi
Recent Refereed Publications
Chandra Observations of Comet 2P/Encke 2003: First Detection of a Collisionally Then, Fast Solar Wind Charge Exchange System.
C. M. Lisse, D. J. Christian, K. Dennerl, S. J. Wolk, D. Bodewits, R. Hoekstra, M. R. Combi, T. Makinen, M. Dryer, C. D. Fry, and H. Weaver.
Astrophys. J.
635, 1329-1347, 2005.
Temporal Deconvolution of the Hydrogen Coma. II. Pre- and Post-Perihelion Activity of Comet Hyakutake (1996 B2).
M. R. Combi, J.T.T. Makinen, J.-L. Bertaux, E. Quemerais Icarus
277, 228-245, 2005.
Temporal Deconvolution of the Hydrogen Coma. I. A Hybrid Model. J.T.T. Makinen and M.R. Combi.
Icarus 277, 217-227, 2005.
On the Effect of Electron Collisions in the Excitation of Cometary HCN.
Amy J. Lovell, Nitya Kallivayalil, F. Peter Schloerb, Michael R. Combi, Kenneth C. Hansen, and T. I. Gombosi
Astrophys.J. , 613, 615-621,
PDF file at NASA-ADS
The Effect of Using Different Scale Lengths on the Production Rates of
Comet 46P/Wirtanen. U. Fink and M. Combi. Planet. Space Sci.
52, 573-580, 2004.
The Outer Source of Pickup Ions and Anomalous Cosmic Rays. N
Schwadron, M. Combi, W. Huebner, and D.J. McComas. Geophys. Res. Let.
29, 54-1 - 54-4, 10.1029/2002GL015829, 2002.
Hale-Bopp: What Makes a Big Comet Different. Coma Dynamics:
Observations and Theory. M.R. Combi. Earth, Moon & Planets
89, 73-90, 2000 (published 2002). PDF
file at Kluwer On-Line
Plasma Flow Past Cometary and Planetary Satellite Atmospheres.
M. R. Combi, T.I. Gombosi, and K. Kabin. In "Atmospheres in the
Solar System : Comparative Aeronomy", Geophysical Monograph,
130, 151-167, 2002.
A Search for Argon and O VI in Three Comets Using FUSE. H.A. Weaver,
P.D. Feldman, M.R. Combi, V. Krasnopolsky, C. M. Lisse, and
D. E. Shemansky. Astrophys.J. (Lett), 576, L95-98,
PDF file at NASA-ADS
Large-Aperture [O I] 6300A Photometry of Comet Hale-Bopp: Implications
for the Photochemistry of OH. Jeffrey P. Morgenthaler, Walter
M. Harris, Frank Scherb, Christopher M. Anderson, Ronald J. Oliversen,
Nathaniel E. Doane, Michael R. Combi, Maximus L. Marconi, and William
H. Smyth. Astrophys. J. 563, 451-461, 2001.
PDF file at NASA-ADS
Water Production of Comet 1999 S4 LINEAR Observed with the SWAN
instrument. J. T. Makinen, J.-L. Bertaux, M.R. Combi, and
E. Quemerais. Science 292,1326-1329, 2001. PDF
file at Science On-Line
HST and VLT Investigatons of the Fragments of Comet C/1999 S4
(LINEAR). H.A. Weaver, Z. Sekanina, I. Toth, C.E. Delahoddee,
O.R. Hainaut, P.L Lamy, J.
M. Bauer, M.F. A'Hearn, C. Arpigny, M.R. Combi, J.K. Davies,
P.D. Feldman, M. C.
Festou, R. Hook, L. Jorda, M.S.W. Keesey, C.M. Lisse, B.G. Marsden,
K.J. Meech,
G.P. Tozzi, R. West. Science 292,1329-1333, 2001. PDF
file at Science On-Line
The Interaction between the Magnetosphere of Saturn and Titan's
Ionosphere. A.F. Nagy, Y. Liu, K.C. Hansen, K. Kabin, T.I. Gombosi, M.R. Combi,
D.L. DeZeeuw, K.G. Powell and A.U. Kliore. J. Geophys. Res. 106,
6151-6160, 2001.
Two-Species 3D MHD Simulation of Europa's Interaction with Jupiter's
Magnetosphere. Y. Liu, A.F. Nagy, K. Kabin, M.R. Combi, D.L DeZeeuw,
T.I. Gombosi, K.G. Powell. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27,
1791-1794, 2000.
SOHO/SWAN Observations of the Structure and Evolution of the Hydrogen
Lyman-alpha Coma of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1). M.R. Combi, A.A. Reinard,
J.-L. Bertaux, E. Quemerais, and T. Makinen. Icarus 144,
191-202, 2000.
Multiple Scattering of Hydrogen Lyman-alpha Radiation in the Coma
of Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2). K. Richter, M.R. Combi, H.U. Keller, and
R.R. Meier. Astrophys. J. 531, 599-611, 2000.
PDF file at NASA-ADS
Dust-Gas Interrelations in Comets: Observations and Theory. M.R.
Combi, K. Kabin, D.L. DeZeeuw, T.I. Gombosi, and K.G. Powell. Earth,
Moon, and Planets 79, 275-306, 1997-1999.
MHD Simulation of Comets: The Plasma Environment of Comet Hale-Bopp.
T.I. Gombosi, K. Hansen, D.L. DeZeeuw, M.R. Combi, and K.G. Powell. Earth,
Moon, and Planets 79, 179-207, 1997-1999.
Analysis of Mid-Latitude Auroral Emissions Observed during the Impact
of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. R. Bauske, M.R. Combi, and J.T.
Clarke. Icarus 142, 106-115, 1999.
On Europa's Magneospheric Interaction: An MHD Simulation of the E4
Flyby. K. Kabin, M.R. Combi, T.I. Gombosi, A.F. Nagy, D.L. DeZeeuw, and
K.G. Powell. J. Geophys. Res. 104, 19,983-19,992, 1999.
Observation and Analysis of High-Resolution Optical Line Profiles
in Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2). M.R. Combi, A.L. Cochran, W.D. Cochran,
D.L. Lambert, and C.M. Johns-Krull. Astrophys. J. 512, 961-968,
1999. PDF file at NASA-ADS
VIRTIS: An Imaging Spectrometer for the ROSETTA Mission. A. Coradini
et al. Planet. Space Sci. 46, 1291-1304, 1998.
Io's Plasma Environment during the Galileo Flyby: Global Three-Dimensiona
l MHD Modeling with Adaptive Mesh Refinement. M.R. Combi, K. Kabin, T.I.
Gombosi, D.L. DeZeeuw, and K.G. Powell. J. Geophys. Res. 103,
9071-9081, 1998.
Hubble Space Telescope Ultraviolet Imaging and High Resolution Spectrosco
py of Water Photodissociation Products in Comet Hyakutake (C/1996 B2). M.R.
Combi, M.E. Brown, P.D. Feldman, H.U. Keller, R.R. Meier, and W.H. Smyth.
Astrophys. J. 494, 816-821, 1998. PDF file at NASA-ADS
The Spatial Distribution of Gaseous Atomic Sodium in the Comae of
Comets: Evidence for Direct Nucleus and Extended Plasma Sources. M.R. Combi,
M.A. DiSanti, and U. Fink, Icarus 130, 336-354, 1997.
Quantitative Analysis of H2O+ Coma Images Using
a Multiscale MHD Model with Detailed Ion Chemistry. R.M. Haberli, M.R. Combi,
T.I. Gombosi, D.L. DeZeeuw, and K.G. Powell. Icarus 130, 373-386,
A Critical Study of Molecular Photodissociation and CHON Grain Sources
for Cometary C2. M.R. Combi and U. Fink. Astrophys. J. 484,
879-890, 1997. PDF file at NASA-ADS
Evidence for Interacting Gas Flows and an Extended Volatile Source
Distribution in the Coma of Comet C/1996 B2 (Hyakutake). W.M. Harris, M.R.
Combi, R. K. Honeycutt, B.E.A. Mueller, and F. Scherb. Science 277,
676-681, 1997. PDF
file at Science On-Line
Modeling of Cometary X-rays Caused by Solar Wind Minor Ions. R.M.
Haberli , T.I. Gombosi, D.L. DeZeeuw, M.R. Combi, and K.G. Powell. Science
276 , 939-942, 1997. PDF
file at Science On-Line
Io's Sodium Corona and Spatially Extended Cloud: A Consistent Flux
Speed Distribution. W.H. Smyth and M.R. Combi. Icarus 126,
58-77, 1997.
Time-Dependent Gas Kinetics in Tenuous Planetary Atmospheres: The
Cometary Coma. M.R. Combi. Icarus 123, 207-226, 1996.
Please send your questions
and/or comments to mcombi@umich.edu.
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