Scientific collaboration networks

This page contains some additional materials that go with my paper Who is the best connected scientist? (A shortened version of this paper appeared in two parts as Phys. Rev. E 64, 016131 and 016132 (2001). The full version can be found in Complex Networks, E. Ben-Naim, H. Frauenfelder, and Z. Toroczkai (eds.), pp. 337-370, Springer, Berlin (2004).)

The following files contain complete, ordered lists of the names of people who submitted papers to the Los Alamos E-print Archive between 1995 and 1999 (inclusive), in various subject categories, ranked by number of papers, number of collaborators, betweenness (a network measure of centrality), and closeness to other authors. If you click on one of these files you can then use your browser's "find" function to search for your own name, or indeed anyone else's. See if you rank higher than your advisor, your students, your officemate, your ex-wife, etc.

Within each list names are arranged in descending order of number of papers (or whatever). If several entries tie, they are given in reverse alphabetical order of surname and initials (for obscure reasons which you probably don't want to know about). In the case of average distance, only people who belong to the giant component are listed, otherwise it wouldn't be fair. Of course, this whole thing isn't fair, but I'm making the rules, and this is the way I did it.

number of papersnumber of collaboratorsbetweennessaverage distance to others
Complete archive arch-ive.pap arch-ive.col arch-ive.con
Astrophysics astro-ph.pap astro-ph.col astro-ph.con
Condensed matter cond-mat.pap cond-mat.col cond-mat.con
General relativity gr-qc.pap gr-qc.col gr-qc.con
High energy (lattice) hep-lat.pap hep-lat.col hep-lat.con
High energy (phenomenology) hep-ph.pap hep-ph.col hep-ph.con
High energy (theory) hep-th.pap hep-th.col hep-th.con
Mathematics math.pap math.col math.con
Nuclear theory nucl-th.pap nucl-th.col nucl-th.con
Quantum physics quant-ph.pap quant-ph.col quant-ph.con

In addition to these summary tables, the entire networks used in the analyses are also available. Some of the smaller ones can be found on this page. The others are larger – some of the files are over 1GB – so I can't put them on this page. If you'd like to get hold of these data, please contact me,, and we'll work something out.

A short article on this work is featured on the cover of the January 16, 2001 edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The New Scientist, Nature, and Independent articles about this work can be found here, here, and here.

Last modified: July 22, 2006

Mark Newman