The honoree podium. Mary's dad Norman Craig (6th from the left) received the
Alumni Medal.
Mary's dad (2nd from the right) shared the podium
with commencement speaker Dr.
Judah Folkman (3rd from the left). Folkman pioneered a biomedical
technique known as antiangiogenesis. This technique inhibits the growth
of blood vessels that support cancer cells. Unfortunately, the
development of antiangiogenesis therapies is still in its infancy and
Simon is unlikely to benefit from it any time soon. |
Who would want to mess with her? |
Miriam with Richard Miller, one of Mary's professors at Wesleyan and a
college friend of Mary's parents Ann and Norman Craig.
Simon listening to music on the Oberlin
bandstand at Illumination Night. |
Enough is enough. |
Geoff Andrews took Simon and Mary on a flight around Oberlin. Miriam decided
that flying wasn't for her yet, so Markus got to stay on the ground with her.
The Oberlin Airport. The nation's 2897th
busiest... |
Erik Andrews with his children.