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Michigan Track and Field Facilities photo

Michigan Track and Field Facilities

The University of Michigan men's and women's track and field teams prepare for their competitive seasons using both indoor and outdoor facilities located on the Athletic Department's campus.

The Indoor Track and Tennis Building houses a six-lane tartan-surfaced track with pole vault, long jump and high jump pits. U-M hosts several indoor meets in January and February, including the 1994 Big Ten Men's Championships and the 1995 Big Ten Women's Indoor Championships.

Located between baseball's Fisher Stadium and the university's Intramural Building is Ferry Field, the site of outdoor competitions. An eight-lane tartan- surfaced track surrounds a large grass infield which provides ample space for all field events. High jump, long jump and pole vault pits border the east side of Ferry Field.

Ferry Field holds a special place in track and field history. As a collegian at Ohio State University, Jesse Owens set three world records May 11, 1935, on the Ferry Field oval. A plaque retelling Owens' immortal single-day performances is located at the track's southeast corner.

Currently underway is a plan to convert South Ferry Field into an area that would contain a natural grass field, artificial turf field, a sports service building, parking and other appropriate accouterments. The proposed plan will complete work on both the natural grass and artificial turf fields by the fall of 1995 with other components to follow.

The natural grass field will be used primarily by the women's soccer team while the artificial turf field will be shared by the Women's Field Hockey team and Men's Football Team. The sports service building will be a much needed addition to the Athletic Department's campus. It will house four lockerooms, meeting space, equipment storage, public restrooms and a concession area. Other additions such as new portable stands, player areas, and scoreboards are also included in these plans.

Both the Indoor Track and Tennis Building and Ferry Field are located off South State Street; entrance to parking is at Yost Arena.


The facility is easily accessible from I-94 at the State Street exit #177, and can also be reached off the Ann Arbor-Saline exit #175, or Jackson Road exit #172.

U-M Men's Track and Field
U-M Women's Track and Field

Last updated: Sunday, 18-Jun-2000 19:24:54 EDT

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