Michigan Men's Basketball Family Ticket Information |
Printable Ticket Application Form
1. Applications for 1999-2000 season and individual game tickets
are available at the following locations:
Please complete the information requested carefully and be sure
to give us your complete address. Changes of address
must be received by the ticket office in writing. Please indicate
both your old and new addresses; current phone numbers and the
customer's signature must appear to change an address. We request
you do this on a separate piece of paper. "in care of"
addresses are not permitted.
2. Orders for individual game tickets, if available, will be
accepted after Nov. 15. The Big 10 Tournament ticket application
may be made at this time through November 30. The Big 10 Tournament
will be held at the United Center in Chicago, Illinois March
9-12. The ticket price covers all sessions.
3. Individuals wishing to sit together should return their orders
to the ticket office in the same envelope. These group orders
are assigned locations based on the least senior member in the
group. Every effort will be made to accommodate group requests,
but the ticket office does not guarantee that it will be possible
to help all groups.
4. A limited amount of wheelchair seating is available on the
concourse level.
Applicants may purchase one wheelchair seat and one guest seat
if desired. This area is ticketed. You must have a wheelchair
ticket to sit in this area.
5. New applicants can expect to be assigned high-end court seats.
You may request seat changes upon reviewing your season tickets
in future years by submitting your application with a written,
detailed explanation of desired seating change parameters. Seating
changes are based on availability. Because season tickets are
not automatically improved, we will attempt to move only individuals
requesting seating changes.
6. If an order cannot be filled because of oversubscription
for sold out games, or any other reason, a refund will be sent
to the applicant. The right to make such refunds is unconditionally
reserved by the ticket office. Cashing checks and processing
orders is not a guarantee that a specific order will be filled.
A $20.00 fee will be assessed for all checks returned to the
ticket office. If you do not honor your returned check promptly,
your ticket order will be cancelled.
7. The ticket office assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen,
or destroyed tickets, or tickets mailed from locations other
than the ticket office. Tickets are not transferable under any
circumstance. We will not honor tickets that have been transferred.
Tickets purchased from anyone other than the Michigan Ticket
Office are not guaranteed to be valid. Persons admitted to the
arena with invalid tickets shall be removed from the arena.
8. All persons desiring to enter the arena, regardless of age,
must have a ticket in
accordance with the Big Ten Conference agreement.
9. No telephone orders for season tickets will be accepted.
Season tickets cannot be purchased with credit cards.
10. Please remember that your cancelled check serves as your
receipt for all tickets. All sales are final. No refunds or
exchanges will be given.
11. All payments must be made in U.S. funds. No Canadian or
foreign checks will be accepted.
Michigan Athletic Ticket Office, 1000 S. State St., Ann Arbor,
MI 48109-2201
Phone: 734/764-0247 Fax: 734/936-8942 Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:30
p.m. M-F
Printable Ticket Application Form
Last updated: Thursday, 24-Feb-2000 19:07:12 EST
Copyright © 2000 Regents of the University of Michigan
Athletic Department 1000 South State Street Ann Arbor MI 48109-2201
General Information (734) 647-BLUE (647-2583) Ticket Information (734) 764-0247