pollution problems and how to fix these problems have become a big issue in
many countries. The Great lakes is one of the places that has pollution problems.
A lot of areas are classified in the red zone which means the amounts of polluted
areas are at dangerous level of contaminants.
Many environmental departments such as GLERL, Great Lakes Environmental
Research Laboratory, or NOAA, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
is trying
to encourage people to realize the serious environmental problems that
are present today. Overall, the general public is not interested.
The information
given by those departments is only texts, pictures and graphs. In addition,
one can goes on an observation boat which is usually insufficient for everyone.
The solution is created space large enough for public who want to be part
of environmental protection and encourage the public to become conscious
Great lakes environmental problems. A proposal has 3 sections, water purification
section, aquatic invasive species section and monitoring section. A part
of the proposal is to make the activities that happen in research laboratories,
step by step from beginning to the end. Each section has a visual interactive
with the researcher, which means public can explore the same thing and
same time as the researcher do. The monitoring will show the real time
activities on an observation boat. According to all proposals, the consideration
quantity and quality of light in the water became to priority for the space
design. Daylight is an important indicator for water quality. Water temperature
for different living habitats are affected by daylight Therefore, the program
will consist of a progression of the different amount of daylight passing
though the water. The amount of light passing through the water depends
on depth,
from shallow to deep water level, and water condition, from polluted-water
to purified-water.
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Thapawee Kuhakarn