Matthew Mohr
For a community to be successful it needs something to bind its residents together. In this proposed community, the activity of growing unites. Semi-public gardens located between the homes create a common place to collect both as a neighborhood and also as a city. Drawing from lessons of Rotterdam and Amsterdam, the use of semi-public space give residents a peaceful place to relax without being divorced from the town as a whole. The civic center acts both as an icon and as a gateway. Straddling 9th street successfully frames the entrance into the farmerís market district. Its unique greenhouse concourse is designed to not only react to the program within the civic center, but also to the adjacent neighborhood. The greenhouse gives the neighborhood an opportunity to grow in the winter when the fields lay dormant. Large areas of glass create an active edge facing the housing and offer a great deal of interaction between the civic center and the neighborhood. The interior of the civic center affords gatherings from the scale of a large convention down to that of a small group of friends talking over coffee in a sitting area located at an end of the concourse. Hierarchy of public spaces and of gathering places characterizes this project.