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Our thanks to..

Phil Meyer, director of community and neighborhood services, city of Holland, for more receptivity than a project like this could imagine, for much useful guidance, for walks around town, and for arranging our group presentation in Holland.

Bill Johnson, prime mover on the Holland downtown plan, founder of Ann Arbor-based design house JJR, and onetime UM dean at the school of natural resrouces and environment, for instant insights into each of the projects as they were just taking form.

Greg Holcombe, director of Riverview Group, for clear interest in our open-ended design speculation, and for very practical insights into prospects for the downtown fringe.

Soren Wolff, city manager for Holland, for taking part, and for explaining the civic center plans there, and for clear spirit of public education.

And for reviewing the work at home in the studios:
McLain Clutter, Chistine Macy, John McMorrough, David Moon, Thom Moran
, Sophia Psarra, Penn Ruderman, SeanVance