Batrachospermum in Mongolia
The genus Batrachospermum(Batrachospermaceae, Rhodophyta) is represented in Mongolia by a single species, B. gelatinosum. Two collections made in July 1998 in Hovsgol aimag represent the first report of this species from western Mongolia and Hovsgol National Park, and only the second report of this taxon from Mongolia. Commonly reported as B. moniliformeRoth, the correct nomenclature for this red alga is B. gelatinosum (L.) De Candolle. | (Photography and plate by Dr. M. L. Vis)
| FIG. 1. Location of collections of Batrachospermum gelatinosumin Mongolia. | FIGS 2-6. Morphological characteristics of the Batrachospermum gelatinosumplants in this study. |