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ACSAA Color Slide Project
Housed at the University of Michigan, this non-profit project supplies images of the art and architecture of India and other South and Southeast Asian countries for educational and research purposes. The collection of high-quality images consists of approximately 15,000 slides available for purchase at a modest price. http://www.umich. edu/~hartspc/acsaa/acsaa.html
AICT (Art Images for College Teaching)
"A royalty-free image exchange reosurce fo r the eduational community," this project contains images spanning the entire history of art, including non-Western art. The site contains select images from the complete collection of images available on Kodak Photo-CDs. Arrangements can be made to borrow and download the disks for non-commercial purposes. http://www.arthist.umn.edu/ aict/html/
AMICO (Art Museum Image Consortium)
A not-for-profit organization of nearly 30 institutions with art collections, AMICO has created a digital library of images and documentation. The AMICO library will contain more than 50,000 works from its contributing members when it is made available for licensing in 1999. http://www.amico.org/
An architecture and visual arts photo library supplying high quality images for educational and commercial usage. Their archive consists of over 50,000 slides complete with documentation and stock photographs. Archivision also provides access to Masterpieces in Video (art education videos) and photographic services. http://www.archivision.com/
More than 2,000 high-quality scans of artwork by Mark Harden. From Abakanowicz to Wyeth. CD of the archive available to patrons. http://artchive.com/ftp_site.htm
Art on File
Company supplying more than 6,000 images of public art, architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design for purchase by educational organizations and selected art and design professionals. http://www.artonfile.com/
Bridgeman Education
A subscription database for schools and institutions. Offers thousands of images from the Bridgeman Art Library for classroom teaching and study. If a school or library subscribes, images can be downloaded in 600 x 600 pixel format without watermarks (and some higher res files upon request). Fees run $500 to $5000 per year depending upon the size of the school's enrollment. Is IP authenticated for all campus computers and proxy servers. Individual subscriptions for teachers also available. www.bridgemaneducation.com
Bridgeman Art Library
IInternational collection featuring more than 1000 museums, galleries and historical societies and spanning the history of art with over 370,000 images. The site includes a searchable database consisting of thumbnail images and documentation. Requests for hi-res orders can be made from the site for one-off files for teaching or publication licensing. www.bridgemanart.com
Can Stock Photo
Offers professional royalty free stock photography at prices you can afford. High-quality images start at just $1.00, and our generous license agreement gives you the flexibility you need. Whether you need an image for advertising, presentations, brochures, or just decoration, we've got you covered. We offer free weekly downloads with thousands of new images added every week.nline directory of image databases housed at the University of Arizona on a gopher server. The scope of the project is to gather technical and descriptive information about imaging projects as information resources. The primary goal is to list projects; these projects are multi-disciplinary, mulit-media, and international in nature. This site does not link directly to the projects, it only provides information on them. http://www.canstockphoto.com
Clearinghouse of Image Databases
Online directory of image databases housed at the University of Arizona on a gopher server. The scope of the project is to gather technical and descriptive information about imaging projects as information resources. The primary goal is to list projects; these projects are multi-disciplinary, mulit-media, and international in nature. This site does not link directly to the projects, it only provides information on them. http://www.arthist.umn.edu/ aict/html/
More than 1.5 million of this company's 25 million historical, contemporary, celebrity, and fine art images are available online for creative professionals and online consumers through a variety of products and services. They represent a variety of perspectives, eras, geographical regions, and sources. http://www.corbis.com/
Davis Art Slides
Image source that covers art and architecture from numerous periods and regions. The collection of more than 40,00 images illustrates works from a number of American and foreign institutions and is available for purchase in slide sets. http://www. davisart.com
Go Graph Stock Photography
Go Graph Stock Photography allows you to download affordable stock photography, illustrations, vector clip art and royalty-free footage. Go Graph has the stock image, royalty free photo, graphic or picture that you need for as little as 5 dollars. http://www.gograph.com
Foto Search Stock Photography
Allows users to search from more than fifty quality stock photography vendors at one site. They can also find royalty-free clipart pictures, illustrations, motion stock video clips, vector maps, and background clip art imagery http://www.fotosearch.com
Hartill Art Associates
Provider of high-quality images covering architecture, sculpture, and the decorative arts from Pre-historic to contemporary periods. The collection of images numbers more than 22,000 and is available for purchase by educators, researchers, and media professionals. http://www3.sympatico.ca/ archimages/
Malcolm Lubliner Photography
Comprehensive photographic service covering topics in architecture, industry, technology, advertising, envitonment, forensic, and stock imagery. Images are available for commerical, personal, and educational uses. http://www.cityvisions.com/
Media for the Arts
With a collection of more than 30,000 color slides, this company also distributes videos and CD-ROMs. These visual materials offer coverage of the fine and performing arts: architecture, painting, sculpture, archeology, and music. http://www.art-history.com/
Museums Online
As a packager, conveyer, and broker of museum images and related products, this group works with cultural institutions to target educaional institutions, commercial clients, and the public-at-large. The site includes a searchable catalog of images along with a magazine complete with exhibition schedule, featured artist, and an interactive jigsaw puzzle. http://www. museums-online.com/site/sommaire.html
Pictures of Record
Publisher of archaeological slide sets designed for educational and museum use. Topics include sites, artifacts, techniques, and ethnographic subjects. http://www.picturesofrecord.com/
Saskia: Services for Historians of Art
Commercial service within Scholars Resource offering visual materials for teaching and research. Saskia provides high-quality digital images to educational institutions throughout the world. Their photography covers art throughout the world, with special emphasis on images of western art from major European museums. scholarsresource.com
Scholars Resource, Inc.
Distribution venue for high-quality digital images from 14 prominent image vendors and institutions, including SASKIA, Ltd., Bridgeman Art Images, Davis Art Images, Archivision, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and others.scholarsresource.com
Directory of Art schools, searchable by Name, US, State, and Major with free Information Request Options. http://www.search-artschools.com
SILS Art Image Database
This is a PROTOTYPE database of art and architectural images, and images of museum objects in digital form. It allows you to locate, and view, works of art. Goal is to be useful to anyone with an interest in exploring art, architecture and museum images. The prototype is being developed for a research project, funded by the United States Department of Education. http://www.si.umich.edu/ Art_History/
The visual online public access catalog to the collection of the Architecture Slide Library at the University of California at Berkeley. The searchable database has more than 32,000 records, complete with images and documentation. http://www.mip.berkeley.edu/query_forms/browse_spiro_form.html
Universal Color Slide
A mail order catalog company supplying high quality art educational products, including slides, slide sets, reproductions, videos, and CD-ROMs. Slide sets, which correspond with some of the major art history survey textbooks, as well as a variety of movements, mediums, subjects from Pre-historic to contemporary periods, can be purchased. http://www. universalcolorslide.com/
University of Michigan Museum of Art
Features an online searchable database of 12,000 objects. http://www.umma.umich.edu/
A collection of exhibitions of varying quality, ranging from specialized to general interest, including Les très riches heures du Duc de Berry, Paul Cézanne, Art of the 20th century, and the general Famous Paintings exhibit. http://sunsite.unc.edu/wm/
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Art Index, Abstracts, and Art Retrospective
Subscription-based bibliographic databases that cite articles from more than 313 international publications, including periodicals, yearbooks, and museum bulletins. Topics covered include the fine and decorative arts, architecture, history, graphic arts, and archaeology. http://www.hwwilson.com/
A gathering point for networked resources on Art and Architecture. The content is diverse and includes pointers to resources around the net, as well as original materials submitted by librarians, artists, and art historians, etc. This site is intended to be selective, rather than comprehensive. http://www.ilpi.com/ artsource/welcome.html
Find Your Art School
A collaboration
with accredited art colleges to create a comprehensive directory for
potential students to browse. Users of the site can perform
a search for art schools based on region or area of interest, and then
use a free submission form to send their information directly to the
colleges of their choice. findyourartschool.com
Graphic Design Schools
A directory of graphic design schools in the United States and Canada. http://www.graphic-design- schools.com
Grove Dictionary of Art
Subscription-based reference resource offering 41,000 articles on the art and culture of Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and the Pacific. http://www. groveart.com/index.html?authstatuscode=200
International Directory of Art Libraries
A listing from the International Federation of Library Associates. This Directory is provided as a means to access more than 3,000 libraries and library departments with specialized holdings in art, architecture, and archaeology throughout the world. Data recorded for each institution includes address, telephone and tele-facsimile numbers, hours of operation, annual closings, and listings of professional personnel. It also includes electronic mail addresses of individual librarians and direct web links to institutional home pages. http://aaln.org/ifla-idal/
Library of Congress Directory (includes their image collections)
This is it, the great one online. You can also search LOCIS (Library of Congress Information System) via Telnet or using a new Z39.50 fill-in form, LC MARVEL (the Library's Gopher-based Campus-Wide Information System), the POW/MIA database, and others. http://www.aaln.org/?dl=1
Library of Congress Thesaurus for Graphic Materials I
Contains 6,204 terms and cross references indexing visual materials. A second thesaurus with 600 terms covers genre and physical characteristic topics. http://www.loc.gov/rr/print/ tgm1/
Mother of All Art History Links
A collection of website links related to art and the study of the arts. This this web site is now maintained by Patrick Young, School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan. Following are the categories within which one can find relevant links: A Sampling of Art History Departments Research Resources Resources for Visual Collections Image Collections and Online Art Fine Art Schools and Departments Art Museums Textual and Linguistic Resources New Media Art and Resources http://www.umich.edu/~motherha
Visual Resources Facilities
Contains statistics, floor plans and pictures of VR facilites from a limited list of institutions. http://www. middlebury.edu/~slides/vrfacilities/
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Library of Congress Classification Outline
Displays letters and titles of main
classes, as well as subclasses within the system.
MARC Home Page
Provides information on
MARC format (Machine Readable Cataloging Record): what it is, why it is
necessary, and how to read, understand, and use a record.
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Copyright Law Materials from the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University
Provides an overview of
copyright with links to the U.S. Copyright Act, federal and
international materials, and other resources.
Copyright Resources Online
The Copyright Website
Intends to
provide practical and relevant copyright information to a wide-ranging
audience. Includes such topics as visual, audio, and digital arts, and
news items.
Digital Future Coalition
both the owners and users of intellectual property, the DFC is comprised
of members from both not-for-profit organizations, educational and
cultural institutions, and commercial trade associations. This site
provides information on the issue of copyright and the digital age.
Intellectual Property Resource Center
Links to information on Copyright, Patents, Trademarks, Industrial Design Rights, and Trade Secrets.
Intellectual Property Resources
U.S. Copyright Office
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Adobe Systems Incorporated
Apple Computer
Dell Computer
Digital Arts and Sciences
Creators of the image management software ImageAXS and the collection management software EmbARK and The Museum System. http://www.dascorp.com/
EndNote: Niles and Associates
The homepage of the company that makes EndNote. Download a disabled copy of the latest version. http://www.niles.com
Extensis Corporation
Producers of software for creative professionals, including the image management system: Portfolio. http://www.extensis.com
Filemaker, Inc.
Luna Imaging, Inc.
Primarily working with archives, museums, and universities, Luna offers digital conversion services as well as produces collection management systems. http://www.luna-imaging.com/
Re:Discovery Software, Inc.
Collection management software used by museums, slide libraries, archives, research libraries, and art, archaeology, natural history and history collections. http://www.rediscov.com/
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For Framing and
Mounting, Archival Preservation and Restoration,
Bookbinding and
Library Restoration. http://www.archivart.com/
Archives and Museum Informatics
Organizes conferences, workshops and seminars, publishes journals and monographs, and consults for archives and museums worldwide. They provide management services for AMICO (Art Museum Image Consortium). http://www.archimuse.com/
The official website of the quintessential visual resources product. http://www.gepe.com
Light Impressions
http ://www.lightimpressionsdirect.com/servlet/OnlineShopping
Metal Edge, Inc.
http://www.hollingermetaledge. com/
University Products, Inc.
http://www.universityproducts. com/
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American Association of Museums
Representing the entire scope of the museum community, AAM is dedicated to promoting excellence within every type of museum. Services include publications, conferences, seminars, and job opportunities. http://www.aam-us.org/
Art Libraries Society of North America - promotes the continuing education of its members and the general knowledge of the public concerning all aspects of art librarianship and visual resources curatorship. http://www.arlisna.org/
College Art Association
The premier organization of artists, art historians, and art critics dedicated and committed to the practice of art, teaching, and research of the visual arts and humanities. http://www.collegeart.org/
ICOM (The International Council of Museums)
The international organization devoted to the development and promotion of museums and the museum profession. http://icom.museum/
Visual Resources Association web site
The Visual Resources Association is a non-profit organization established to further research and education in the field of visual resources and to promote a spirit of cooperation among the members of the profession. Membership is open to any person or institution interested in the purposes of the Association. Our membership includes slide and photograph curators, film and video librarians, media professionals, photo archivists, slide and microform producers, rights and reproduction officials, photographers, art historians, and others concerned with visual materials. http://www.vraweb.org/
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AmArt-L (American Art) - listserv@cunyvm.cuny.edu
strong> ARLIS-L (Art Libraries Society) -
p> ARTCRIT (Contemporary art, architecture, and urban design)
- listserv@uafsysb.uark.edu
strong> CAAH (Consortium of Art & Architectural
Historians) - Mediev-L (Medieval art) - listserv@ukanvm.cc.ukans.edu<
/a> Museum-L (Museums and museology) - listserv@unmvma.unm.edu
strong> NAHIA-L (North American Historians of Islamic
Art) -
Phothst (History of photography) - PRINTS-L (History of prints and printmaking) - VRA-L (Visual Resources Association) - listserv@uafsysb.uark.edu
strong> To subscribe to most lists leave the subject line blank
and simply send the message SUBSCRIBE NAME OF LIST (i.e.VRA-L) YOUR NAME
(substituting your own name). [ Images | General Reference | Cataloging | Copyright |
Technology/Software | Products and Services | Professional
Associations/Organizations | Electronic Discussion Groups | Publishers and Presses ] Academic Press Harry N. Abrams, Inc. The Penguin Group Pearson Higher Education http://www.pearsonhighered.com/
If you have any suggestions, corrections, or additions
contact Patrick Young: patyoung@umich.eduThanks!
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