Thank You All!!!

from Youcheng Liu

			Sincere Acknowledgment to 
		ONMUAA Steering Committee Members, Organizers,
		Friends, Supporters, and Worldwide NMU Alumni

Dear Steering Committee Members, Overseas NMU Alumni and Friends,

	After such an intensive four-week organizing work, we finally made 
our goal--to bring birth of ONMUAA to this world in a short period. 
Congratulations to those members who were elected to the posts! 
Congratulations to all of us who made it possible! Congratulations to the 
ONMUAA who was born healthy!

	I can not leave you alone without saying "THANK YOU ALL!". It was 
your active participation, your endless support, your strong enthusiasm, 
your tolerance, understanding and forgiveness, your talent, ability, confidence 
and efficiency......which made this possible. I specifically would like to 
give our sincere appreciation to all the Steering Committee Members for your 
active response to the first proposal, your warm encouragement to every move, 
your hands-on contribution without any complaints......It was well demonstrated 
that nothing is impossible for such a highly united group of excellence.

	We are especially grateful to our international alumni such as Yamei 
Zhang, MD77, who actively reached out to help and participated in this 
strenuous organizing work even ignoring the inconvenience to them due to the 
time difference; We are very thankful to Dr. Liqun Xiao, MD78, and her husband, 
Dr. Qizhuang Ye, China Pharmaceutical University Alumni Homepage Master, 
for their patience and warmth in providing us with the advice and support to 
our organizing effort and to the homepage construction. We appreciate 
Dr. Shan Lu and others who provided in-time constructive advice in 
leading the right direction of ONMUAA administrative structure and 

	It is the joint effort of the following alumni which made ONMUAA 

	For the bylaw drafting and revising, Benquan Shen, PH78, and Yongjian 
Liu, MD78, worked on that days and nights leaving their own work behind and 
never complaining about their names not always at the right places on right 
group lists; For the English version of the bylaw, Dr. Xupei Huang, PH77, spent 
two whole nights getting it out in time for our finalization by the ONMUAA 
birthday weekend, even 1) he had to go on a vacation trip; 2) his expertised 
second language is French and 3) that was not his job since he was 
assigned to the newsletter group. Yongjia Yu, PH77, although he happened 
to be on vacation when the bylaw was being drafted by Benquan and 
Yongjian, he made his great coordinational effort in the later stage in 
revising, translation and finalization. Shan Lu, Qingyi Wei, Liangfeng 
Tao, PH79, and others repeatedly provided their insight for the final draft.

	For the directory, all of us made best effort in digging out the 
names from every possible corner of the world, which made the current alumni 
directory the most complete ever. Jin Chen, Qing Tai, Wenhui, Yongjian Liu, 
Liangfeng Tao, Yongjia Yu, Jianping Xue, Qinghua Yang, Weiguo Zhao, Ming 
Zhang, made special effort in collecting the names in their school years. 
Weiguo and others tried best to reach us whenever they finished their 
resident work and provided the names they know and the suggestions. Qingyi 
Wei, Bei Chen and Ningjun Jiang made major effort in editing, circulation 
and finalization. As the first compiler of the ONMUA directory,
Qingyi kept his pioneer spirit and took several days off from his
research work to widely collect the alumni names and manage the
database, which enable him to be the first one to meet the Committee's
deadline and get the directory for the homepage in time.

	For the homepage setup, Jianping Xue, PH78, was the first to setup 
a separate web page for all PH alumni in June, 1996. Although Harvard later 
did not allow personal homepages setup, Jianping never stopped showing 
his concern for the right access and providing his advice and expertise; 
Lu Li, MD78, was the first to set up an NMU alumni homepage earlier which 
helped the directory compilation and early information exchange. Although
this time he has been very busy with his August MD Board exam, he never 
stopped coordinating the work and providing the right info and advice for the 
page design and access; Fuhu Wang, and Jianlong Mu, MD79, worked behind 
quietly without any notice of us that suddenly they produced the beautiful and 
well-designed Official Homepage. We all know they must have spent nights for 
it, which is now our International Homeplace. On behalf of the expired Steering 
Committee, I'd like to express our delayed gratitude to Jianlong for kindly 
providing us with the free web server in his Jaxon Laboratory. As 
the main group leader in homepage task, Liangfeng spent most time looking 
for the web server access and design. He and I tried UMass and Harvard as well 
as the commercial places very hard, but could not gain any meaningful 
results. We were so worried about the access. Fuhu and Jianlong solved all of 
us a big problem!

	For the Registration, Qianjin Liu, MD78, and Jin Chen, PH78, as well as 
their group members, never complained that it was a small job for them and 
refused to work. Qianjin even left his residency work behind for such a 
"small job", which made the registration in current Executive Committee 

	For the communication, Zhigang He, MD79, and Shan Lu, provided a lot of 
constructive advice and actively reached NMU officials for background contact, 
possible official assistance and recognition, and for later alumni 
connection. That certainly made the Executive Committee's work in this area 
later easier and alumni affairs smoother.

	For the newsletter, Xupei Huang, Bei Chen, PH80, Zhigang He and others 
provided critical insight for the first issue, which Youcheng Liu, PH78, 
edited. They have already started their plan on the design, content and 
releasing method of next issues.

	For the overall coordination, Yongjian Liu, MD78, as we all know, the 
very energetic and enthusiastic young Professor at UCSF, played the major 
role in the organizational work. He and Benquan Shen, PH78, were the 
initiators for the first proposal calling to form the ONMUAA. He actively 
reached out to all possible alumni for all the important issues, tried 
to solve all the possible difficulties with all possible solutions even it 
turned out to me that he actually had to babysit his child after hours all 
the time. Personally, I am very grateful to his dedication and critical 
contribution. I could not imagine how the Steering Committee could have 
gone to this far without his coordination that brought members in every school 
and academic year together; Benquan is a behind-scene hero, who made the 
coordination work as smooth as possible, but he never looked like so; Ning Jin, 
well representating the minority departments, worked excellently on the 
organizational affairs, also without any complaints about a small job. She 
was the originator of the ONMUAA temporary homepage, which made our Steering 
Committee's organizing effort more transparent, efficient and better 
organized. Qingyi, together with Shan, provided in-time advice at each critical
stage, especially for the first and second open letter drafting, and the
election process.

	For the election, we greatly appreciate all the Steering 
Committee Members as well as other non-committee alumni, such as Jie Li, for 
spending their precious time nominating and voting the candidates of their 
choice, although a few of the members were not able to cast their votes due to 
their business trips and their busy work schedules. We apologize for the short 
nomination period which did not allow them enough time to nominate and vote. 
Ning Jin, NS84, Yongjian Liu, Benquan Shen, and Jianlong Mu, MD79, spent whole 
Sunday, the 8/18/96, waiting in front of the computer, for the incoming votes 
through email lines and coordinating the vote counting. Jianlong stayed in his 
lab very late to have got all the declaration and election result out in 
time on the web page. His work, as well as Fuhu's original design on the 
official ONMUAA homepage, was excellent, which made anticipated ONMUAA image 
come into reality.

	Nanjing, or Nanjing Medical College, always sounds far away in 
my mind. Indeed it's more than ten years (a decade!) now since my 
graduation. Who cares about that far? And what's the big deal in doing this? 
But we all remember we graduated from there, we had the earliest academic 
time there, we might have had our earliest academic dreams there, and we 
had our best youth time there. It was NMU who laid the basis for us to go 
this far in life and career...there might have always been a dream in our 
mind that we overseas NMU alumni should have our own alumni association here 
outside China......THANK YOU ALL! Together you made this dream come true!

	Also I can not leave you alone without appreciating for your golden 
time taken from Olympic Games, your daily work and study or academic research 
during the past month. Your investment of precious time will prove very 

	It's been so nice working with you all even many of us have not yet 
met personally. We became well known to each other; we built up 
the real friendship, we moved barriers across schools and age difference; we 
exerted our most possible understanding; we exercised our best knowledge of 
democracy; we made our expected unification and reunion; we formed a 
strong group and WE MADE A DIFFERENCE! You are remembered! Your contribution 
and spirits are remembered and those days will be ever remembered, ever!!!


						Youcheng Liu, PH78
						On Behalf of
						The ONMUAA Steering Committee
						Boston, Massachusetts, USA
P.S. If I missed any one's contribution, please forgive me.