Second Open Letter To NMU Alumni
		   Progress Report on Our Organizing Effort
		and Final Call for Nomination of Chairs and Presidents

Dear NMU ALumni,

	Hope all is well with you all.

	Time passes fast. It has been already more than 2 weeks since we issued 
our first ONMUAA newsletter calling for participation and comments for 
the current organizing effort. Although not every alumnus(a) was able 
to contact us, we did receive a lot of inputs for the organizing activity 
from our alumni pool in various countries. At the same time, we have been 
making fast progress in each of the major tasks we are working on. Briefly:

	1. The Bylaw: Benquan Shen, PH78, and his group members, has had the 
second draft of the Chinese version commented in the bylaw Group, and an 
English version has also been made and released through email to all Steering 
Committee Members for comments. It is now being forwarded to you for your 
review and comments. It is our hope we will be able to finalize it by 
incorporating your comments at this WEEKEND;

	The current bylaw has set forth the regulation that ONMUAA takes 
the Board-Executive Committee form of administration as we explained in 
the 1st open letter. One Chair, two Co-Chairs, of the Governing Board 
(GB), will be elected to lead the Board activity which has no power, but 
enpower the Executive Committee (EC). EC has one President and two Vice
Presidents, as well as the Committee members selected by the Presidents and 
approved by the Board.

	Since the current Steering Committe Members are representative of 
all schools (dept.) and various school years, the Committee has made its 
decision to convert the current Committee into the Board and each 
Committee Member is therefore a Board Member. If you are 
interested in serving in the Board, you are welcome and please 
feel free to contact us anytime. Vancancies will be filled 
out and adjustment will be made if necessary by more than half of the votes 
from the Board Members in the future.

	2. The Directory: Qingyi Wei, PH78, and his group members, has 
circulated it several times in the group for comments and a circulation 
among all Board Members was also made earlier for final approval. 
It is now close to readiness for final release. The latest version has been set 
up in the Official ONMUAA Homepage for release soon. If you still have 
updated info and suggestion to it, please forward to Qingyi 
( by the weekend;

	3. The Homepage: Fuhu Wang and Jianlong Mu, MD79, have worked very 
hard and efficiently to have made the web page available now. Comments are 
being incorporated before the final release. Stay tuned for it (SOON). 
Please contact Fuhu,, or Jianlong,;

	4. The Registration: The place for registration will depend on 
the Presidents elected of the Executive Committee of our Association and  
their decision, as well as approval from the Board. Qianjin Liu, MD78, has 
made special inquiries into the procedure which might vary from State to State;

	5. The Nomination and Election: The most important and pressing task 
now for all NMU alumni is to foster the election of both the Governing 
Board Chairs and Executive Committee Presidents. 

	A preliminary nomination by the Board Members (up to this moment) 
has found out the following candidates:

	Governing Board:

	Ninjun Jiang, MD77, St Louis, MO;
	Qianjin Liu, MD78, St Louis, MO;
	Yongjian Liu, MD78, San Francisco, CA;
	Youcheng Liu, PH78, Boston, MA;
	Shan Lu, MD77, Worcester, MA;
	Liangfeng Tao, PH79, Lowell, MA;

	Executive Committee Presidents:

	Zhigang He
	Ninjun Jiang
	Ning Jin
	Yongjian Liu
	Li Lu
	Benquan Shen
	Fuhu Wang
	Qingyi Wei

	Fuhu Wang
	Ning Jin
	Benquan Shen

	Summary of Justification for their Nomination

	Governing Board

	Ninjun Jiang:	Earliest pioneer to co-compile the alumni directory
			wide connection in MDs and with Nanjing campus
			highest Motivation for alumni work
			Long term vision

	Qianjin Liu:	Wide connection with MD78 and others
			highest Motivation for alumni work
			Group leader in Steering Committee

	Yongjian Liu:	ONMUAA Initiator
			Steering Committee Coordinator
			Highest motivation
			Widest connection in MDs
			Excellent organizing ability and accessibility
			Experienced in administration with sharp vision

	Youcheng Liu:	Helped with the coordination of the Steering Committee
			Highly motivated, longed for the association for long
			Always willing to help with alumni affairs
			limited time available

	Shan Lu:	Well established career: Assistant Professor,
				Medical Practioner, and research leader
			Founder of Chinese Physicians Association in America 
				New England Chapter
			Experienced organizer and leader
			Long term vision of ONMUAA
			Highest sense of responsibility
			Wide connection with amluni, Nanjing and others
			Excellent reputation		

	Liangfeng Tao:	Alumni affairs activist	
			ONMUAA Initiator
			Wide connection with alumni in various depts, faculty,
				Nanjing	campus and other
			Great ability to organize and lead
			Experienced Administrator at large coorporations

	Executive Committee Presidents

	Zhigang He:	Well established career
			Well published in Cell and Nature Journals
			Excellent reputation on Nanjing Campus
			Highly motivated spirit and dedication

	Ning Jin:	Highest capability of management
			Highest motivation and dedication to serve alumni
			Demonstrated alumni affairs experience
			Good representation of Minority depts.

	Li Lu:		One of the earliest alumni directory compiler
			Original NMU alumni homepage initiator and 
				excellent web experience
			Wide alumni connection
	Benquan Shen:	Long term alumni activist
			First caller for formation of ONMUAA
			Excellent experience in alumni and students asociation	
			Connected MDs and PHs this time to make ONMUAA possible
			Did all the behind-curtain organizing work this time
			Bylaw writer

	Fuhu Wang:	Official ONMUAA homepage master
			Highly motivated work spirit
			Excellent sense responsibility and great capability
			Future homepage manager

	Qingyi Wei:	Highly capable, responsible, dedicated to alumni
			Excellent connection with MDs and PHs
			Earliest alumni directory compiler
			Originator of current alumni directory
			Great potential for Executive Committee management
			Excellent Experience in Bejing for NMUAA management and
				CSSA management at Johns Hopkins

	Obviously, there are many other highly qualified potential 
candidates whom we still need your help to find out and nominate. After 
you receive this message, could you please self nominate or nominate others 
for the following positions with possible justification, by this Saturday:

	Governing Board		Chair		1
				Co-Chairs	2

	Executive Committee	President	1
				Vice Presidents	2

	Secretory				2
	Send your nomination or vote through email to Ning Jin, NS84,, or Benquan Shen, PH78, The Committee 
will conduct formal votes counting on Sunday morning and publicize the results
Sunday night with the declaration of Establishment of ONMUAA, which means we 
are making it for 8/18/96, a GOOD LUCK symbol for our association!

	If you have any comments and suggestions, please let us know. 
Let's work hard together for the final weekend.

	Again, your participation is the key and will be of great value.

				ONMUAA Steering Committee Coordinators

				Yongjian Liu, MD78
				San Francisco

				Youcheng Liu, PH78