Pollution Prevention in the Coastal Zone


This article begins by defining pollution prevention (P2). The authors then show P2's relevance to coastal management and describe how economic and marine policy analysts view P2. They also review major federal legislation and this compendium's four case studies.
118K Acrobat file [Printed copy available for $2]

Resource List

Organized by topic, this list cites 56 publications (several of which are available on the Web) and three related organizations. In addition to covering general coastal/marine/aquatic pollution prevention, the list includes sections devoted to specific areas (Boston Harbor and Chesapeake Bay), marinas, and cruise lines. Contact information for publishers is included wherever possible.
HTML-formatted file [Printed copy available for $1.00]

Annotated Bibliography of Coastal Pollution Prevention Sources

Arranged alphabetically, this bibliography describes all materials cited in the Resource List.
113K Acrobat file [Printed copy available for $1.50]

Case Study
Sewage Sludge Pelletization (Boston)

The sheer scale of the Boston Harbor Cleanup Project makes it an important subject of coastal policy. This case looks at the issues surrounding pelletization of sludge; describes source reduction through removal of leaded solder and industrial pretreatment of sewage; and describes efforts to upgrade treatment, extend it to more of Boston's wastewater, and promote external reuse of sewage sludge. (This case includes discussion questions.)
148K Acrobat file [Printed copy available for $1.50]

Case Study
The Role of P2 in Reducing Nutrient Enrichment (Chesapeake Bay)

This case examines the role of P2 in a large, multi-jurisdictional effort to reduce nutrient enrichment from fertilizer runoff, air pollution, sewage and industrial outfalls, deforestation, and urban development. The largely voluntary source reduction strategies include banning phosphates, controlling coastal development, and establishing riparian buffers along rivers and streams. (This case includes discussion questions.)
340K Acrobat file| Fig. 2 (239K GIF file) | Fig. 2 (99K JPEG file)
[Printed copy available for $2.00]

Case Study
Waste Reduction at Sea: Pollution Prevention Strategies on Miami-Based Cruise Lines

Examines how and why the Miami-based cruise line industry is using source reduction, recycling, and land disposal to avoid dumping trash in the ocean. Incentives include stricter international and U.S. legislation, greater public scrutiny, and growing industry awareness. (This case includes discussion questions.)
108K Acrobat file [Printed copy available for $1.50]

Case Study
Pollution Prevention in the Marinas of Broward County, Florida

Boat maintenance and servicing activities are sources of sewage, toxic substances, and petroleum hydrocarbons in coastal waters. To reduce this pollution, county environmental regulators and marina industry representatives cooperatively developed Best Management Practices to encouraged activities ranging throughout the P2 hierarchy. (This case includes discussion questions.)
117K Acrobat file [Printed copy available for $1.50]

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this page last revised on June 28, 1999.