Tuesday, 2 September 2003. Introduction and description of course.
4 Sep. What is poetry? Bring a list of five or six features.
9-11 Sep. Vedic period. Agni. Genesis Hymns. Frogs. Purusha. Gambler's Lament. Essay 1: The hymn and the poem.
16-18 Sep. Sanskrit court poetry and the notion of rasa. Those who get their preliminary drafts of Essay #1 back on the 16th bring final version on the 18th. Others bring final version on the 23rd.
23-25 Sep. Presentation of Kalidasa. Bring Essay 2: Modern poetry and rasa.
30 Sep. Sangam poetry and the notion of dhvani.
2 Oct. Prakrit poetry of Hala's anthology and poetry of the ritikala.
7 Oct. Bring Essay 3: Applications of dhvani. The Alvars and Tamil Bhakti poetry.
9 Oct. Basavanna and Kannada Bhakti poetry.
(13-14 Oct: Fall Study Break)
16 Oct. Tukaram and Marathi bhakti poetry.
21 Oct. Kabir.
23 Oct. Mira Bai and North Indian Bhakti poetry. Essay 4: Paradox in Bhakti poetry.
28 Oct. Urdu and Urdu poetry. Russell reading (coursepack).
30 Oct. Exam review.
4 Nov. Midterm exam.
6 Nov. Sufis. The ghazal. Read article by Faruqi. Assignment 5: first draft of ghazal.
11 Nov. Mir
13 Nov. Ghalib. Ghalib.
18 Nov. Mir, Zafar, and Iqbal. Bring second draft of ghazal.
20 Nov. Faiz Ahmed Faiz. Faiz Ahmed Faiz . Class mushaira.
25 Nov. Rabindranath Tagore and the Bengal Renaissance. Essay 6: Close reading of a poem (see description of assignment on p. 91 of coursepack.) Or general essay on 'Compression in Urdu Poetry'.
2 Dec. Kamla Das, Attiya Daud, and other contemporary women poets of India and Pakistan.
4 Dec. Anglo-Indian poetry: Aga Shahid Ali. Ramanujan. Vikram Seth. Poetry in the Indian diaspora.
9 Dec. Film songs and popular lyrics. Essay 7 (optional) due.
12 Dec. Write-up of course presentation due.
Published sources of readings.
Back to course description.
Last updated 4 Aug 2004.