y:Üen:v:es:ýXi Aaôf em:eS:g:n:

Key to exercise on derived intransitive verbs (aka "antitransitives")


1   K:Øl:n:a  ( or  K:aðl:n:a )    2   b:`aAaðg:ð    3   eK:øc:t:a hò    4   en:kal:n:i    5   c:m:k rhi T:iø    6   rhðg:a    7   edK:aI dðn:ð    8   Pað_n:ð    9   s:m:J:n:ð    10   K:aðl:t:ð hib:`n:ð    11   j:l:an:a    12   )apt: hØAa or )apt: eky:a

Return toExercise 1.

Return to notes on derived intransitives.

To index of grammatical notes.

To index of m:lhar.

Keyed in by  ev:v:ðk Ag:rv:al: Aug 2001.
Posted 2 Sept 2001. Proofed and corrected 13 Oct 2001.