yakh tama:hkhor ba:dsha:h
The Envious King

A Poguli folktale told by Abdul Jabbar Katoch "Manzoor",
edited and translated by Peter Edwin Hook

katha wanani-wO:l-manzu:r
story teller "Manzoor"

16 July 1989
Volvog, Pogul-Peristan, J & K, India

arab-sani mulkus manz yakh ami:r ba:paer rahati Ohatu-hu:. 1.
Arabia-GN land-DT in one rich merchant living was-PST

In Arabia long ago lived a wealthy merchant.

yabala arb-us manz ka:l pe: ta yen ba:paer kO:l-sun
when Arabia-DT in drought fell then this-ER merchant-ER drought-GN

When Arabia was suffering from a drought, the merchant

tyenaer maka:bala ko zi saer ja:da:d ta daulat mulk-us
such-a response did that all property and wealth country-DT

responded (by taking) all his property and wealth (and)

bAET-kery panun mulkh tra:ye ci:n sani mulk-us manz wo:t. 2.
divid-ing self's land leaving China-GN land-DT in arrived.

dividing it up for his country left it and went to China.

ci:n sani ba:dsheh yu ba:paer panani bOgus manz ba:gwa:n rashtu-in. 3.
China-GN king-ER this merchant self's garden in gardener kept-3s

The king of China employed the merchant as his gardener.

ya-s ba:paer-us mil-ni yak dusa ra:za-sen dwe:by gyeh
this-DT merchant-DT meet-INF one day king-GN washerwoman home

One day the king's washerwoman came to his home in the garden,

ba:gus manz a:y. 4. tyaenya eth yakh peThmet kuRamahani pashti
garden in came. she-ER here a beautiful woman saw

to meet this merchant. Here she saw a beautiful woman

ya ba:paer-us zana:n ehiti:. 5. dhAu nya:-nya ta ra:z-us khObur
who merchant-DT wife was running took-3s and king-DT news

who was the merchant's wife. She went running to the king with

deci-nya zi tini bOg-us manz tihani peThmet kuRamahani tini
gave-3s that your garden in such-a beautiful woman your

the news that in your garden (belonging) to your servant is a

nokar-us thi ya.zi ra:za-sani mehal-us manz-i: swe:bi-hi:. 6.
servant-DT is who king-GN palace-DT in-EMP grace-would.

woman beautiful enough to grace the palace of a king.

ra:za wan-ni laegu-sa zi ada una kut kar-am. 7. kinaer
king say-INF began-3sD that more now what do-3pF how

The king said to her, "What shall we do about this? How shall we

a:n-ma-n? 8. dra:lya dwaeba jo-s yu hun-chwas na:,
bring-1pF-3sA crafty washerwoman-ER said-3sD this hear-are not

get her (here)?" The crafty washerwoman said, "Don't you know?

ta:zikista:nus manz yakh sha:l khely gyemu-chu. 9. su te:r dusai
Tadzhikistan-DT in one wolf wild-ing gone-is he there daily

In Tadzhikistan there is a wolf who has gone mad. Every day he

yakh mahun kha:l chu. 10. as yu swe:c-ker ba:paer tyurhu pyaen-ma-n
one man eat is we it thinking merchant there send-1pF-3sA

consumes a man. With this in mind if we send the merchant there

ta ya ran a:n-ma-s mehlus manz wa:t-ely. 11.
then this woman bring-1pF-3sD palace in arrive-CAUSing

then we can get this woman into the palace.

ra:z-an yu ba:paer tshad-al-tu. 12. jue:-s-ni, ti, ha:se,
king-ER this merchant call-CAUS-PST said-3sD-3sE you-DT sir

The king had the merchant called and said to him, "You, Sir,

ta:jikasta:nus manz sha:l an-ni gas-nu chu. 13. ti as yana:m
Tadzhikistan-DT in wolf kill-INF go-INF is you-DT we prize

have to go Tajikistan to kill a wolf. We will give you a reward

dyawam agar ti su en-le. 14. ra:za ta dwaeba sughaRa
give-1pF if you-ER it kill-pour king-ER and dhoban-ER schemes

if you succeed in killing it. The king and the washerwoman

kyeya zi yu terah-terhu-i: gyes, yu kor duyi phir yew-i? 15.
made that he there-there-EMP go-3sg he where yet again come-3sF

planned that he would die right there; how would he come back?

ba:paer nis go: ta:jkista:n-us. 16. wa:t-ite-i ba:paer ter-iky
merchant exit went Tajikistan-DT arriv-ing-EMP merchant there-of

The merchant left for Tajikistan. As soon as he got there he

ya ha:lat ba:l-ci-n ta kha:l-al-ni a:o. 17. patoh-la:kan
what condition see-PST-3sE and mad-CAUS-INF came afterwards

saw what the situation (was) there and he was terrified. Then he

kwali tsha:o bim-tu. 18. sha:l hU hU kar-ti a:o. 19. ba:paer kwal-is
tree shade sit-PST wolf hu hu mak-ing came. merchant tree-DT

sat down under a tree. The wolf came making a hoo-hoo sound.

ukhsu:t. 20. a:hat-us manz shamshe:r ti a:ha-ca-ha:-s. 21.
climbed hand-DT in sword also be-PST-PST-3sD

The merchant climbed the tree. He had a sword in his hand, too.

phulwatai-di:pai gyand-ni laega, sI:t-iy ba:paer yas sha:l-us
thrusting-feinting play-INF began with-EMP merchant the wolf-DT

They began to spar and fence. With this the merchant severed

maT twal-ti. 22. ta:jiksta:n wa:t-al-ci-n. 23. ra:za yi maT
head lift-PST Tajikistan arrive-CAUS-PST-3sE king this head

the wolf's head. He took it back to Tajikistan. The king was

twely-kery pesh-kery tamali go. 24. kwiD yana:m dic-as-in
lifted-having seen-having amaze went girl prize gave-3sD-3sE

amazed to see the severed head. He gave his daughter as reward

ta ba:paer ci:n-us phir-tu. 25. ci:n-sun ra:za dwe:b
and merchant China-DT return-ed China-GN king-ER washerwoman

and the merchant went back to China. The king of China sent the

ba:paer-us gyeh ba:l-al-ni pyaen-c-in. 26. te:r duyakh egama
merchant-DT home look-CAUS-INF send-PST-3sE. there another first

washerwoman to the merchant's house to look. There she saw

a:hata praw pae-ni-waely kuR-mahan-ekh pash-ti. 27. ra:zas khObur
than light fall-INF-which girl-man-one see-PST king-DT news

another woman more radiant than the first one. She announced to

dic-an-ya zi ba:dsa:h a:lam, yu kam rawda:d chu! 28. yen ba:paery
gave-3sE-f that Bad-shah world this what matter is this merchant

the king, "Lord of the Universe, what miracle is this!? Today

a:z egma a:hata ja:da peTh kuRa-mahani AEnt. 29.
today first than more pretty girl-man brought.

the merchant brought a woman more beautiful than the first one."

una kam sabi:l kar-am su an-al-ma-ha:-n
now what plan make-1pF he kill-CAUS-3pF-PST-3sA

"Now what plan shall we make that we might have him killed?

ta kyenaer. 30. dwaeba jO:-as zi tyas ba:paer-us wan-am
and how washerwoman said-3sD that that merchant-DT say-1pF

And how?" The washerwoman said to him, "We'll tell the merchant,

zi tu ity-akh la:l nivi ta ihana-i: sat la:l kOts a:ni. 31.
that you here-one ruby take and such-EMP 7 rubies somewhere get.

'Take this ruby and get seven more just like it from somewhere.

na a:n-us yi-i: mawt cha-th.'" 32. ba:paer-us hukum banu-ut
not bring-2sF this-EMP death is-2sD merchant-DT order make-PST

If you don't, that will be your death.'" The order was given to

ta su yas ma:ba:nas nis-tu. 33. dhAw chu dhAw chu ta yeksa
and he this purpose-DT leave-PST going is going is and one

the merchant and he set out on this mission. He goes and goes

ja:yi wO:at. 34. te:r yeny yakh le:yas pash-tu. 35. le:s-us manz na:ga
place arrived there he-ER one gully see-PST gully-DT in spring

and arrives at a place. There he saw a gully. In the gully there

pAI ja:ri chu. 36. yas pAyus sI:ty la:l anta rahatai dhAw chi. 37.
water going is. this water with rubies end without flowing are

is a spring out of which rubies are flowing without stopping.

yen la:l-an tA: thapa dica na. 38. yu go ba:l-ni zi yAw la:l
he-ER rubies-DT till grasp gave not he went see-INF these rubies

Before picking any up he went to see where the rubies were

korah warha dhAw cha. 39. eth yakh dhar thi. 40. yas manz yakh pari-zan
where from going are there one cave was it in one fairy-like

coming from. There was a cave. In it a girl as beautiful as a

kwiD katal kar-ni a:-meth. 41. yaka pa:sa zinda kar-ni kica ka:gad
girl kill do-INF come-PP one side alive make-INF for paper

fairy had been killed. To one side was a paper (with directions)

yikh likh-tu-mut chu. 42. ba:paer wa:ra ba:l-ti ta yen ya pari-zan
one write-PST-PP is merchant well look-PST and he-ER the fairy

written (on it) for bringing to life. The merchant studied it

kwiD zinda kery le:. 43. ya husaer ge. 44. jwe:-s-ni kOra
girl alive make poured she conscious went. said-3sD-3sE where

carefully and revived the fairy-like girl. She awoke. She said,

wOrh ae-s-im? 45. iti yakh mahana-kha:w dyaw raha chwa-th. 46.
from came-2s-1sD here one man-eating demon live is-2sD

"Where did you come from for me? A man-eating monster lives here

su yew-i ta ti khael-i-th. 47. tu nashi! 48. ba:paer shamshe:r reT
he come-3sF and you-DT eat-3sF-3sD you flee merchant sword take

He'll come and eat you. Run away!" The merchant took his sword

ker aT-us patani ja:yi ke:. 49. yat-kuwa:l dyaw a:w. 50.
doing wall-DT behind place did this-until demon came

and put it behind the wall. Just then the demon came.

kwiDa pruts-tw-in ya kam kath banu-it? 51. tu kyenaer zinda gyaes? 52.
girl-DT ask-PST-3sE this what thing happened you how alive went

He asked the girl, "What happened? How did you become alive?

hU:! 53. wani! 54. yu wan-nu-yi ahatu-hu: zi ba:paer talwa:ra sI:ty
hu speak this say-INF-EMP was-PST that merchant sword with

Hoo! Speak!" He was just about to say this when the merchant

dyaw-us maT bakha ke:-ny. 55. ya dab-ta-met kwiD a:za:d ge:. 56.
demon-DT head aside made-3sE this oppress-ed-PP girl free went

cut off the demon's head with his sword. The girl was free.

una ya ma:l-es laba wa:t-aly-ce-n. 57. la:l ti twal-te-n. 58.
now she father-DT near come-CAUS-PST-3sE rubies too lift-PST-3sE

Now he delivered her to her father. He picked up rubies, too.

ya sau:diya sani ra:za sen kwiD ehati-hi:. 59. ra:z-an ya duyi
this Saudi GN king GN girl was-PST king-ER she again

The girl was the Saudi king's daughter. The king saw her once

pash-ti. 60. una ya yas ba:paer-us dAy le:-n. 61. ba:paer la:l
see-PST now she this merchant-DT give poured-3sE merchant rubies

again. Now he gave her to the merchant. The merchant delivers

ci:n sani ra:z-as wa:t-al chu. 62. yas hil-as ra:za pathur pe:. 63.
China GN king-DT arrive-CAUS is this time-DT king floor fell

the rubies to the king of China. This time the king fell down.

toba paR ten zi mi:n ya kha:m tamna: kwirh? 64. yu kOtsi:
toba read he-ER that my this vain desire where this anywhere

He gave up his desire as pointless: "This man didn't die.

phaT-tu na. 65. yu ba:gus manz wO:t. 66. dwe:b drael patai gey-as. 67.
die-PST not he garden in came washerwoman clever after went-3sD

He's come back to the garden." The clever washerwoman followed.

tenya duyi cimi pari-zan kwiD yakh pash-ti. 68. una ba:paer-us ca:y
she-ER yet third fairy-like girl one see-PST now merchant-DT three

She saw yet a third girl like a peri. Now the merchant has three

kuRmahanya cha. 69. dawlat ti cha-s. 70. dwe:b cimi khabur gin
wives are wealth too is-3sD washerwoman third news taking

wives. He is rich, too. The washerwoman comes with this third

wa:ti thi. 71. ra:z-as jo-anya zi he ba:dsha:h-a:lam! 72. tini ba:paer
arrive is king-DT said-3sE that oh Lord-All! your merchant

news. She told the king, "Oh Lord-of-All! Today your merchant

az egaman din kuR-mahanyan ahata ti ja:da peThmet kwiD yakh aent 73.
today first two girl-men than even more pretty girl one brought

brought a girl even prettier than the first two women...

sa hay a:n-si-hi:-s! 74. yenya dwe:ba di yana:m eggi:
she if bring-2sF-PST-3sD this-ER washerwoman two rewards already

If you were to bring her (here)!" This washerwoman had already

ra:z-as khobara dAy dAy nya-mata ahata-ha:. 75. una duyi ni-wi-hi:. 76.
king-DT news give give take-PP was-PST now more take-3sF-PST

gotten two rewards by giving news to the king. Now she would get

magar ra:z-an tOba paR-ti-mati ahata-ha:. 77. jwe:-s-ni ba:paer-us
but king-ER toba read-PST-PP was-PST said-3sD-3sE merchant-DT

another one. But the king had sworn off. He said, "The merchant

panana takdi:r ta mi panana. 78. a:U, ba:ba:, ha:r khai go:-s. 79.
self's destiny and me self's I father defeat eat went-1sPST

has his fate and I have mine. Baba, I've lost (this contest).

yut a:U kancan-es tama:h kar-a tyut khwada: tyas ja:da de chu. 80.
more I someone-DT envy do-1sF more God him-DT more give is

The more I envy someone, the more God gives to him."

pata yu ra:za yakh aelim banutu-hu: ta yas dra:lya
then this king one wise-man became-PST and this clever

Later the king became a wise man and cut off the clever washer-

dwaeba maT twal-c-en. 81.
washerwoman-DT head lift-PST-3sE

woman's head.


A........accusative suffix ER..........ergative case
CAUS.....causative affix F.............future tense
D.............dative suffix GN.........genitive case
DT.............dative case INF.............infinitive
E...........ergative suffix PP.........past participle
EMP....emphatic particle PST............past tense

Glossary in Devanagari order:

ada...........more, else. 7.
aelim.........wise, wise man. 81.
agar..........if. 14.
a:hacaha:s...see a:s.
a:hat, m.....hand. -us, dt.sg., 21.
a:hata........than. 27, 29, 73.
a:hataha:.....see a:s.
a:hatuhu:....see a:s.
a:lam, m?...world, universe. 28, 72.
a:meth.......see ye.
ami:r.........rich. 1.
an............kill. -ni, purp.inf., 13. en, ger., 14.
..anal........caus. -maha:n, 1pl>3sg.sbjnc., 30.
a:n...........bring. -i, imper.sg., 31. -us, 2sg.fut., 32. -man, 1pl>3sg.fut., 8.
...............-mas, 1pl>3sg.dt.fut., 11. -sihi:s, 2sg.sbjnc. with 3sg.dt.suf., 74.
...............aent, f.sg.pst., 29, 73.
ant, m.......end. -a, ob.sg., 37.
a:o...........see ye.
arab.........Arabia. 1. arbus, dt.sg., 2.
as............we. nm., 11, 14.
a:s...........be. a:hacaha:s, f.sg.pst./m.3sg.dt.suf., 21. a:hataha:, m.pl.pst., 7.
..............?f.sg.pst., 77. a:hatuhu:, m.sg.pst., 55. ehiti(hi):, f.sg.pst., 5, 59.
..............Ohatuhu:, m.sg.pst., 1. chath, f.3sg.pr. with 2sg.dt.suf., 32.
..............chas, f.3sg.pr. with 3sg.dt.suf., 70. cha, chi, m.3pl.pr., 37, 39, 69.
..............chu, m.3sg.pr., 9, 10, 28, 34, 36, 42, 62. chwath, m.3sg.pres.
..............with 2sg.dt.suf., 46. chwas, f.2sg.pr., 9. thi, f.3sg.pr., 6, 40, 71.
V-nu a:s....have to V. ti V-nu chu, you have to V, 13.
aT, m?.....wall. -us, dt.sg., 49.
a:U.........I, nm., 79, 80. mi, dt., 78.
a:w.........see ye.
a:y..........see ye.
a:z..........today. 29, 73.
a:za:d......free. + gas, become free, 56.
ba:ba:......father. 79.
ba:dsha:h, m...king. nm.sg.; -a:lam, Lord of the Universe, voc.sg., 28, 72.
.............ba:dseh, er.sg., 3. bAET-kery...see bA:T
ba:g, m....garden. -us, dt.sg., 4, 66. bOgus, dt.sg., 3, 6.
ba:gwa:n, m....gardener. nm.sg., 3.
bakh, f?....side, edge. -a, dt.sg., aside. + kar, cut off, 55.
ba:l.........look, see. -cin, 3sg.f.pst./3sg.m.er.suf., 17.
.............-ti, f.sg.pst., 43. -ni, inf., 39.
..ba:lal.....caus. -ni, inf., 26.
ban.........be made, be given. banu:t (from banutu), m.3sg.pst., 33. banuit
.............(from banuti), f.3sg.pst., 51. banutuhu:, m.3sg.pst., 81.
ba:paer, m....merchant. nm.sg., 1, 3, 11, 12, 16, 20, 25, 62; (-y), er.sg., 2,
.............17, 29, 43, 49, 55, 73. -us, dt.sg. 4, 5, 22, 26, 31, 33, 61, 69, 78.
bA:T.......divide, distribute. baet-kery, ger., 2.
bim.........sit, sit down. -tu, m.sg.pst., 18.
bOgus.....see ba:g
ca:y........three. 69.
cha, chi, chu...see a:s.
chwath.....see a:s.
cimi........third. f.nm.sg., 68, 71.
ci:n, m?....China. ob.sg., 2, 3, 26, 62. -us, dt.sg., 25.
dab.........press; oppress. -tamet, f.sg.pst.part., 56.
dawlat, f....wealth, 2, 70.
dAy........see de.
de..........give. + chu, m.3sg.pr., 80. dica, f.pl.pst., 38. dicanya,
.............f.sg.pst. with f.3sg.er.suf., 28. dicasin, f.sg.pst. with 3sg.dt.suf. and
.............m.3sg.er.suf., 25. deci, f.sg.pst., 6. day, ger., 61, 75. dyawam, 1pl.fut., 14.
deci........see de.
dhar, f.....cave. nm.sg., 40.
dhAw........go; run; flow. -chu, m.3sg.pr., 34; -chi, -cha, m.3pl.pr., 37, 39.
.............running, m. - ni, go running, 6.
di...........two. 75. -n, dt.pl., 73.
dica(nya)..see de.
drael.......see drO:l.
drO:l.......clever. dra:lya, f.sg.er., 9; f.sg.dt., 81. drael, f.sg.nm., 67.
dus, m.....day. ob.sg., 4.
dusai.......daily, 10.
duyakh.....another. nm.sg., 27.
duyi........again. 15, 60, 68. another. 76.
dwe:b(y), f...washerwoman. m.sg., 4, 26, 67, 71.
.............dwaeba, er.sg., 9, 15, 31, 75; dt.sg., 81.
dyaw, m...demon. nm.sg., 46, 50. -us, dt.sg., 55.
dyawam....see de.
eg(a)ma....first. f.sg.obl., 27, 29. -n, dt.pl., 73.
eggi: .......already. 75.
ehiti: .......see a:s
ekh.........a (suffixed indef. article). 27, 68, 73. see yakh.
en...........see an.
eth..........here. 5, 40. see iti.
gas..........go; marker of perfective aspect. -nu, m.sg.inf., 13. ge, f.sg.pst., 44, 56;
.............geyas, f.sg.pst. with 3sg.dt.suf., 67. go, m.sg.pst., 16, 24, 39.
.............gos, m.3sg.pst., 79. gyemu (from gyemut), m.sg.pp., 9. gyes (from gasi), 3sg.fut.,
.............15. gyaes, f.2sg.pst., 52.
ge(yas).....see gas.
gin..........take. ger., 71.
go(s)........see gas.
gyaes.......ee gas.
gyand.......play. -ni, inf., 22.
gyeh........see gyoh.
gyemu......see gas.
gyes........see gas.
gyoh........home. gyeh, f.sg.nm., 4, 26.
ha:lat, f.....situation. 17.
ha:r, f?......loss, defeat. + kha:l, accept defeat, 79.
ha:se........particle of respect; sir. 13.
hay..........if. 74.
he............oh. 72.
hil, m?......time. -as, dt.sg., 63.
hU hU......hoo-hoo. 19.
hU: .........hoo. 53.
hukum, m...order. nm.sg., 33.
hun..........hear; know, 9.
hushaer.....conscious. + gas, become conscious, come to., 44.
i: ............emphatic particle, 6, 22, 32, 55. (after pres.adv.p.) as soon as, 17.
ihanu........such a. -i:. identical. ihanai:, m.pl.nm., 31.
iti............here. 46.
..ityakh.....like this (adj). 31.
ja:da.........more. 73, 80.
ja:da:d, f....property, 2.
ja:ri..........continuing; going on. 36.
ja:y, f.......place. -i, dt?sg., 34, 49.
jo, jos.......see zap.
joanya.......see zap.
jue:(sni).....see zap.
ka:gad, m...paper. nm.sg., 42.
ka:l, m?.....drought, 2. kO:l, obl.sg., 2.
kam.........who; what. f/m.sg.nm., 28, 51.
kancan......someone. -es, dt.sg., 80.
kar..........do, make. -a, 1sg.fut., 80. -am, 1pl.fut., 7, 30. -ni, inf., 42.
.............-ni, pass.part., 41. -ti, pres.adv.p., 19. ke:(ny), f.sg.pst. (with
.............3sg.er.suf.), 49, 55. kery, ger., 43. ko, m.sg.pst., 2. kyeya, f.pl.pst., 15.
katal, m....murder.
..katal kar..kill. -ni, pass.part., 41.
kath, f......thing. nm.sg., 51.
ke:(ny).....see kar.
kery........see kar.
-ker(y).....extended marker of gerund (from kari), 2, 49.
kO:l........see ka:l
khabur, f..see khObur.
khal........go mad. khely, ger., 9.
..kha:lal...terrify? kha:lalni ye, be terrified. 17.
kha:l........eat. 10. khaelith, 3sg.fut. with 2sg.dt.suf., 47. khei, ger. 79.
..kha:w....eating (in cmpnds). 46.
kha:lal......see khal.
kha:m......vain. 64.
kha:w......eating (in cmpnds). 46.
khei........see kha:l.
khely.......see khal.
khObur, f..news. nm.sg., 6, 28, 71. -a, nm.pl., 75.
khwada:, m..God. 80.
kica........for; in order to. 42.
kinaer......how. 8, 30, 52.
ko..........see kar
kor(h).....not at all, 15. where. kora(h), 39, 45. what kind of. kwirh (from korih), f.sg., 64.
kOts.......somewhere. 31. -i:, anywhere, 65.
kuRamahani, f. woman. nm.sg., 5, 6, 29. kuRmahan-ekh, a woman, nm.sg., 27.
.............kuRmahanya, nm.pl., 69. kuRmahanyan, dt.pl., 73.
kut.........what, 7.
kwal, f?...tree. -i, gn.sg., 18. -is, dt.sg., 20.
kwiD, f... girl. 41, 43, 56, 68, 73. -a, dt.sg., 51.
.............daughter. 25, 59.
kwirh......see kor(h).
kyenaer....see kinaer.
kyeya......see kar.
laba........near, to; at the house of. 57.
laeyas, m..gully; slide. nm.sg., 35. le:sus, dt.sg., 36.
la:g........begin. laega, m.pl.pst., 22. laegu, m.sg.pst., 7.
la:l, m.....ruby. nm.sg., 31. nm.pl., 31, 37, 39, 58, 62. -an, dt.pl., 38.
le...........pour; marker of perfective aspect. 2sg.sbjnc., 14. le:,
.............f.sg.pst., 43; le:n, f.sg.pst. with m.3sg.er.suf., 61.
le:sus......see laeyas.
likh........write. -tumut, m.sg.nm.pst.part., 42.
ma:ba:n, m?...purpose. -as, dt.sg., 33.
magar......but. 77.
mahun, m...man. 10.
mahana-kha:w...man-eating. 46.
maka:bala, m...response, 2. - kar, respond, react, 2.
ma:l(u), m...father. -es, dt.sg., 57.
manz.......in, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 21, 36, 41, 66.
maT, f.....head; neck. 22, 24, 55, 81.
mawt, f....death. 32.
mehal, m...palace. -us, dt.sg., 6, 11.
mi..........see a:U.
mil.........meet. -ni, inf., 4.
mi:n........see myun.
mulk, m...country, land. -h, nm.sg., 2. -us, dt.sg., 1, 2.
myun......my, mine. mi:n, f.sg.nm., 64.
na..........no, not. 32, 38, 65.
..na:.......particle soliciting agreement. 9.
na:ga, m?..spring. 36.
nash.......run away, flee. -i, imper., 48.
ni..........take, take away. -vi, imper.sg., 31. -wihi:, 3sg.sbjnc., 76.
.............nya:ni, m.sg.pst.-3sg.er., 6. nya:mata, m.pl.pst.part., 75.
nis.........go out; leave. ger., 16. -tu, m.sg.pst., 33.
nokar, m...servant. -us, dt.sg., 6.
nya: .......see ni.
Ohatu......see a:s.
paeniwaely...see pe:.
pAI, m.....water. nm.sg., 36. payus, dt.sg., 37.
panani......see panun.
panun......refl.poss.adj., self's, own. nm.m.sg., 2. panana, f.sg.nm., 78.
.............panani, ob.sg., 3.
pata........afterwards. 81.
..patai......after, behind. + gas, follow. 67.
..patanu....behind (adj). patani, f.sg.ob., 49.
pathur, m?...floor. down. 63.
patohla:kan...afterwards. 18.
paR.........read. ?f.sg.pst., 64. -timati, f.sg.pst.part., 77.
pari, f......peri, fairy princess.
..parizan...like a fairy princess. nm.sg., 41, 43, 68.
pash........see. -ti, f.sg.pst., 5, 27, 60, 68. -tu, m.sg.pst., 35. pesh-kery,
.............ger. 24.
pa:s, m?...side. -a, to the side, ob.sg., 42.
pe: ........fall. m.3sg.pst., 2, 63. paeni-waely, falling, casting, f.sg., 27.
pesh.......see pash.
peTh......beautiful. -muth, nm.sg.m. peTh(met), nm.sg.f., 5, 6, 29, 73.
phaT......die. -tu, m.sg.pst., 65.
phir.......back. 15.
phir.......return. -tu, m.3sg.pst., 25.
phulwatai-di:pai, f...thrusting and feintind (in swordplay). 22.
praw, m?...light; radiance. 27. praw pe:, be gorgeous.
pruts......ask. -twin, m.3sg.pst./3sg.er.suf., 51.
pyaen.....send. -cin, f.3sg.pst./m.3sg.er.suf., 26.
.............-man, 1pl>3sg.fut., 11.
rah........live; stay. -a chwath, m.3sg.pres. with 2sg.dt.suf., 46. -ati,
rahatai....without. 37.
ran, f.....woman. nm.sg., 11.
ras........keep; employ. -tu, m.sg.pst., 3.
raT........seize; hold. reT-ker, ger., 49.
rawda:d, m...matter; miracle? nm.sg., 28.
ra:za.......king. nm.sg., 7, 24, 63, 81. er.sg., 12, 15, 26, 60; ra:zan,
.............er.sg., 77. ra:za, ob.sg., 4, 6, 59. ra:z-as, -us, dt.sg., 6, 28, 62, 72, 75.
sa..........she. nm.sg., 74. tenya, tyaenya, er.sg., 5, 68.
sabi:l, f...plan, scheme. nm.sg., 30.
saer.......see sOr
sha:l......wolf, jackal. nm.sg., 9, 13, 19. -us, dt.sg., 22.
shamshe:r, f...sword. nm.sg., 21, 49.
sani.......see sun
sat........seven. 31.
sau:diya...Saudi Arabia. 59.
sen........see sun
sI:t(y).....with. 22, 37, 55.
sOb.......grace. swe:bihi:, f.sg.pst.cond., 6.
sOc.......think. swe:c-ker, ger., 11.
sOr........all, entire, m.sg. saer, f.sg., 2.
su.........he. nm.sg., 10, 14, 30, 47; ten, er.sg., 64. that. tyas,
.............m.sg.dt., 31, 80.
sughaRi, f...scheme. sughaRa, nm.pl., 15.
sun........possessive postposition. m.sg.obl(?), 26. sani, obl.sg., 1, 2, 3,
.............6, 59, 62. sen, f.sg., 4, 59. sun, m.sg.nm., 2.
swe:b......see sOb.
swe:c......see sOc.
ta...........conj. then, 2. and, 6, 15, 17, 25, 30, 33, 34, 43, 47, 78, 81.
ta: .........until; up to. 38.
takdi:r, f...fate; luck. 78.
talwa:r, f...sword. -a, dt.sg., 55.
tama:h, m?.. envy. 80. -khor, envious, greedy.
tamal.......be astonished. -i, ger. 24.
tamna:, f...desire; obsession. 64.
ta:zikista:n, m...Tajikistan. nm.sg., 23. -us, dt.sg., 9, 13, 16.
tenya......see sa.
te:r........there. 10, 27, 35. tyurhu, m.sg., 11.
..terah terhui...right there. m.sg., 15.
..teruk.....of there. teriky, f.sg., 17.
thap, f.....a grab. -a, nm.pl., 38.
..thapa di...pick up (lit: give a grab at).
thi........see a:s.
ti..........also. 21, 58, 70. even. 73.
ti..........see tu.
tihani.....such a. nm.sg.f., 6.
tini........see tyun.
toba, f....tobah. + par, give up, call it quits; forswear. 64, 77.
tra:v.......leave behind, quit. tra:ye, ger., 2.
..tra:ye....see tra:v.
tshad.......call. tshadaltu, m.sg.pst.caus., 12.
tsha:o, m...shade. nm.sg., 18.
tu...........you (sg). nm.sg., 48, 52. ti, er.sg., 14; dt.sg., 13, 14, 47.
twal........lift; remove. -cen, f.sg.pst. with m.sg.er.suf., 81. -ten,
.............m.pl.pst. with m.sg.er.suf., 58. -ti, f.sg.pst., 22. twely-kery, ger. 24.
tyaenya....see sa.
tyas........see su.
tyenaer....of that type, such a, 2.
tyun.......your. tini, ob.sg., 6, 73.
tyurhu.....see te:r.
tyut........see yut...tyut...
ukh(u)s....climb. -u:t (from ukhsutu), m.sg.pst., 20.
una.........now. 7, 30, 57, 61, 69, 76.
wan........say, tell. -am, 1pl.ft., 31. -i, imper., 54. -ni, inf., 7. -nu, fut.part., 55.
wa:ra, f?...well, carefully. 43.
wa:t........arrive, reach (a place). wa:ti thi, f.3sg.pr., 71. wa:tite,
.............pres.adv.p., 17. wo:t, wO:(a)t, m.sg.pst., 2, 34, 66.
..wa:tal(y)...deliver. + chu, m.3sg.pr., 62. -cin, -cen, f.3sg.pst. with
.............m.sg.er.suf., 23, 57. wa:tely, ger., 11.
worh(u)...from. nm.sg., 45. worah, nm.pl., 39.
wo:t, wO:(a)t...see wa:t
ya..........see yu rel.adj./pron.
yabala.....when (rel.), 2.
yakh.......one; a. nm.sg.m/f., 1, 5, 9, 10, 35, 40, 46, 68, 73, 81.
.............ob.sg.m., 4. yikh, nm.sg.m., 42. yaka, ob.sg., 42. yekhsa, ob.sg.f., 34.
yana:m, m...reward. nm.sg., 14, 25, 75.
yas.........see yu, this.
yat-kuwa:l...by this time. 50.
ye..........come; pass. auxiliary. -wi, 3sg.fut., 47. a:o, a:w, m.sg.pst.,
.............17, 19, 50. a:y, f.sg.pst., 4. a:meth (from a:mati), f.sg.pst.part., 41. aesim,
.............m.2sg.pst. with 1sg.dt.suf., 45. yewi, 3sg.fut., 15.
-yekhsav...see yakh.
yen.........see yu
yi...........see yu, this.
yi...........see i:.
yu..........this. m.sg.nm., 9, 11, 12, 28, 55, 65, 81; ya, f.sg.nm., 51, 56,
.............64; yaw, m.pl.nm., 39; yas, f./m.sg.dt., 61, 63, 81; yenya, f.sg.er., 75. he,
.............m.sg.nm., 3, 15, 39, 66; yen(y), m.sg.er., 2, 29, 35, 38, 43. ya, she. f.sg.nm.,
.............11, 43, 44, 57, 59, 60, 61. yas, dt.sg., 4, 22, 37, 41; yi, f.sg.nm., 24, -i:,
.............this itself, 32.
yu..........rel.adj./pron. ya, nm.sg.f., 5, 6, 17.
yut...tyut... the more...the more... 80
. zana:n, f...wife. nm.sg., 5
. zap..........say, tell. joanya, m.sg. pst. with f.3sg.er.suf., 72. jo-s, jO:-as,
..............m.sg.pst.-3sg.dt., 9, 31. jue:-s-ni, m.sg.pst.-3sg.dt.-3sg.er., 13, 45, 78.
zi............subord.conj., that. 2, 7, 15, 28, 31, 39, 64, 72. explet., 6. when. 55.
zinda........alive. 42, 43. + gas. come to life, revive. 52.